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Anchor Yourself Against A Sea Of Stress

Work life can be stressful. Things can blow out of proportion when you’re feeling tired or rushed. Minor issues can accumulate and become overwhelming.

Work life can be stressful. Things can blow out of proportion when you’re feeling tired or rushed. Minor issues can accumulate and become overwhelming. While they may not be significant taken individually, once together, they feel insurmountable. In short, stress is everywhere. It is a silent and invisible enemy that can hinder your work life and career prospects. And when it’s all around you, it doesn’t only affect your work, but also your social life and your self-growth.

How can I get rid of stress? That’s the big question. Nobody can. There’s no cure that eliminates stress. But, what you can do is find the best coping mechanism to deal with the brutality of day-to-day anxieties. Coping in real-time gives you an anchor to stay grounded in the face of adversity.


The ritual sets the mood for the day

We tend to put the events that affect us and our response to these events in one huge bag called STRESS. But, in reality, they belong in different bags. You can’t always control the situations around you. However unpleasant they can get, stress doesn’t arise from them but from the way you react. Stress is the mind’s response. So, the best way to make the distinction between the events and your response is to help prepare your mind for a new day. If you don’t have a morning ritual, it’s time to think about how you want to start your day. A ritual is a soothing and caring moment to refresh your soul and keep you centered. Simple gestures can help lower your stress response, such as creating a meditation routine in the morning. You can find plenty of helpful apps to help you clear your mind and refocus.

Have some soothing treats

Not many people appreciate the value of a healthy treat as a coping mechanism. A coping strategy is a set of actions you take to release pressure when you are faced with a difficult situation. These could include talking to someone you trust, taking some time off work, etc. But, when you are in the heart of the storm, you often need to delay your response. That’s where a small gesture, such as a treat, can help defuse the stress bomb as it is about to explode. For instance, if you are prone to anxiety attacks, you could help your brain break free from the stress patterns with edible cannabinoid treats from a place such as baysmokes.com. They sell small gummy bears that can do the trick any day. Not your thing? Dark chocolate can be just as effective as it boosts the production of happiness hormones, effectively breaking through the stress cycle early.

Accept that things don’t have to make sense

Sometimes sh*t happens, and that’s life. In a world where we are desperate to control every aspect of life, it’s hard to accept that things can happen outside of our control. Life can be random, even in the workplace. It can be flawed. But that is what makes it special. The moment you accept that obstacles and challenges are part of the journey, you can face them with an open mind.

Not everything in the office goes as planned. Yet, it will only be as stressful as you allow it to become. You have a choice in how you respond to unexpected situations, from preparing your mind to accepting the randomness of work-related events.

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Health, Wellness Access by NKC Health, Wellness Access by NKC

Maintaining Mental Wellbeing When Running A Business

It can be deeply enjoyable and satisfying to run your own company, but it’s by no means relaxing. Take a look at some key tips for staying mentally sound when you’re running a business.

It can be deeply enjoyable and satisfying to run your own company, but it’s by no means relaxing. With all that weight on your shoulders, it’s normal to feel stress from time to time. And indeed, a little bit of stress is no bad thing. It can push you to work harder and better. But there’s an upper limit to how much stress you should feel; if it’s beginning to have a negative impact on your overall well being, then you’ll want to make some changes. In this blog, we’re going to take a look at some key tips for staying mentally sound when you’re running a business.


Life Balance

There’s always the temptation to work longer than you really should when you’re the boss. After all, you’re desperate for your business to succeed, and it’s easy to think that the more you work, the more success you have. This is true, but only up to a point. In order to work at your best, then it’s important that you have the right work/life balance. That means stopping working and taking the time to relax and have fun. This will help to keep you mentally healthy, and also allow you to avoid burnout.

Minimize the Stress

You might love what your company does, but that only accounts for a percentage of your responsibilities. You may have to spend more time than you’d like taking care of the paperwork and other admin duties. If you find this difficult, then it won’t be long before you’re feeling stressed. Instead of wrestling with these complex tasks, look at making them more straightforward. There are plenty of tools that can help you. To stay on top of your receipts, you use a service such as filecenterdms.com. Payroll, legal matters, and marketing can be outsourced to other companies, too. It’s all about reducing the amount of time you spend on stressful tasks and spending more time on the tasks that you actually enjoy.

Working With Others

You may have started your business as a one-person operation, but it doesn’t have to stay that way on a long-term basis. At some point, you might find that it’s beneficial to work with others. You can do this by hiring employees or by outsourcing certain tasks, like the ones we mentioned above. As well as freeing up your time, working with others can also help reduce any lonely feelings you experience when you’re running your company -- it’ll feel like you’re part of a team, of which you’re in charge.

Look After Yourself

Finally, be sure to look after yourself. You might start your business with a relaxed attitude, but over time, you could find that you’re feeling more stressed than ever before. You can get around this issue by taking steps to push your mental wellbeing in the right direction. This will involve doing things like eating well, exercising, spending time in the outdoors, and keeping up with your hobbies and friends; things that help us to feel good, basically.

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