The Danger of Moving on from Movements Too Quickly
Going back to “normal” is a problem when society is on the brink of a revolution. Social media has made it easier for people to forget about the movements and protests going on outside their front door.

What exactly is normal supposed to be when black bodies are being murdered by the people who are supposed to protect them? Protests are still crowding the streets of American cities. Petitions are still being added to sites daily. Black bodies are still being killed. They are still going missing. They are still being unheard.
If you look on social media, it appears like none of this is happening… Or at least as though less people care anymore. Following George Floyd’s murder, people’s Instagram timelines were filled with infographics, petitions, and the controversial black squares. But now? One finds themself scrolling through selfies and homemade cake photos once again. People are posting memes and pictures of their pets on their stories. The social media sphere is once again returning to what it was before the cry for revolution rang out from the buried lungs of BIPOC.
Since the start of the 2020 protests, countless streets and squares have been named after the Black Lives Matter movement. Streaming services are removing episodes of old shows that have blackface in them. White actors are stepping down from their BIPOC voice acting roles... But none of this is enough. These kinds of changes are placating and minimal.

The current state of social media allows for these actions to seem like enough. As the outcry dies down, so does the pressure. Without this pressure, those with political power will not move forward and push for substantial reformation. A return to “normal” is a loss of collective voice– of collective influence.
Don’t stop posting. Don’t stop signing petitions. If you can’t go out and protest, support those who can. This is not the time to act as though your job is done– there is still so much you can use your voice for in this time of revolution.
Report: Nicolette Schneiderman
Being a black gay creative for me feels liberating but at the same time there’s pressure. Pressure in needing to express yourself to a white society, that you are enough; what feels like having to explain my existence. having to explain why who I am and the art I produce is more than a hyper sexual view, but just what it is, art - expression, my expression.
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Social Media Activism, Not Social Media Validation
Social media can be a vital tool in promoting societal change- make sure you are using it for the right reasons

Over the past few days it has been difficult for me to put my thoughts into words. No words seem enough to express the immense anger and sadness I feel over the murder of George Floyd, and too many others, at the hands of those meant to protect us. But in order for there to be change there needs to be words. And so, I write.
This Tuesday there were over 26 million posts on Instagram for Black Out Tuesday, a campaign where one posted an all-black photo on Instagram sending the message that they would spend the day silencing their own content and promoting that of Black Lives Matter activism. The 26 million Instagram posts translated to only 12 million signatures on a petition calling for justice for George Floyd.

While I do not wish to disregard 12 million signatures as anything small, that is less than half of the amount posted to social media. If you want to be an activist, you need to take action.
Social media is a fantastic way to use your platform to reach hundreds, thousands, millions of people. Sharing donation links, statistics, and your own thoughts, feelings, and experiences are just some of the ways to garner attention and encourage action. But if you’re using your words solely and not contributing your own action, whether that be signing a petition, providing a donation, or participating in a protest, then how is your platform really being utilized?
An activist is defined as “a person who campaigns to bring about political or social change.” It’s very easy to post a black square on your Instagram and move on with your day. Doing so does not make you an activist. Seeking personal validation over your social media does not make you an activist. Using your social media to encourage and invoke your own change makes you an activist.
It’s time for all of us to do our part. Our words are powerful, but actions speak louder than words. Whether you choose to share your efforts on social media or not, your participation in efforts to reduce racism and discrimination in our society is all that matters. Signing a petition takes less than a minute, and any donation helps. Let’s be good people – not just look like good people.

Access PR has created a gofundme to support black owned small businesses, consider donating:
Here are some more resources available for other places to donate, petitions to consider signing, and ways to get further involved:
Photo Credits: Instagram, GoFundMe, @cleowade
Report: Jordyn Kelley
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