Four Signs It's Time To Update Your Website

You should consider redesigning your website as soon as you find that your website isn't your most powerful marketing tool. If that is no longer the case, it's time to start thinking about redesigning your website. Businesses and organizations may find this to be a difficult decision as they may not know the signs that indicate the need for a website revamp. In order to help you, we have put together a list of 4 signs that your website needs to be redesigned.

Brand Disconnect

Organizations frequently change their branding over time as their markets and target audiences change. Make sure each section of your website and associated platforms, such as your social media profiles, offer the same look and feel to your users.

Consistent branding not only reinforces your organization's image in the minds of visitors, but also provides a sense of comfort, approval, and trust. Positive feelings contribute greatly to the conversion of visitors into leads and lead into conversions.

Navigating The Site Is Difficult

Navigation is a crucial component of your website. Users can find out where they are and where they've been, as well as find out where to go next. A user's journey can be disrupted at any point leading to confusion, frustration, and website abandonment. It typically results in a decrease in sales and returning visitors, as well as an increase in frustrated visitors and high bounce rates.

If you plan properly and use great navigation design principles, you will be able to ensure that any visitor can navigate your site with ease and enjoy the overall experience.

It Is Necessary To Add New Functionality

Your organization may require more tools as it grows and evolves. Could online appointment scheduling help your business? Or do you need to rethink the eCommerce platform for your company? Are there any ways that new integrations can be beneficial for marketing campaigns, social media, and search engine optimization?

With the addition of new features, you have the opportunity to make the website a more valuable experience for your users as well as for your company. Be sure not to forget about increased functionality when you begin brainstorming your website redesign objectives and be sure to incorporate it into your redesign. If you need to rebrand you may need the help of a service form WEBX360

It’s Old

Businesses often ask "how often should we redesign our website" because there is no set expiration date for a website.  It is recommended that you redesign your website every three to five years. How come? Due to the rapid changes in technology, as well as best practices and search engine optimization (SEO) strategies that need to be followed.

You should probably start thinking about redesigning your website if it's over five years old.  At this point in time, it is easy to see how a website redesign benefits your business and what an impact a redesign can have.

These are four signs that your website may need to be updated soon. Is there any other signs that you think should be included? Please share some of them in the comments below. 



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