What Modern Entrepreneurs Need To Know About Technology

Technology is something pretty much everybody uses pretty much every day. At the same time, relatively few people really understand how it works or what it means. With that in mind, here is a quick guide to what entrepreneurs need to understand about technology.

Hardware has become much less important

In the old days, businesses often needed high-specification machines to run demanding programs. Now, it’s far more common for resource-intensive applications to be run on servers. What’s more, if you’re a small-scale entrepreneur, they will probably be cloud servers. That means it will be somebody else’s job to keep them running.

Internet matters a lot

The flip side of this is that the internet matters more than ever before. If you’re still running an on-site business then having the option to use wired internet can be a huge bonus. If you’re using remote workers then it can be worth encouraging them to wire their homes for internet if they can.

If you must or just want to use WiFi, then you need to make sure that your connection is as powerful as it can be. If necessary get professional help with this. If you’re using remote workers, give them guidance on how to make the most of their connection.  

Make sure your main site and/or your remote workers can access a backup connection. This can be as simple as tethering to a phone. It is, however, better to use a proper mobile internet router if at all possible.

Social media is only a route to your own website

Social media still offers immense value for businesses. Its value, however, is as a marketing tool and, sometimes, as a communication platform. It is hugely risky to use social media platforms as an alternative to your own website.  

It’s also hugely limiting. If you have your own website, you have the option to influence user behavior in a way that’s just not possible with social media. What’s more, you have the opportunity to integrate your website with your back-office systems to create an improved user experience.

You need a cohesive approach to technology

In the 21st century, integrated IT solutions are the only way to go. They really do give solopreneurs and SMBs the sort of capabilities that used to be for enterprises only.  

For example, switching phone and fax lines for internet telephony/fax allows you to integrate phone/fax communications with back-office systems like CRM software. This means that when a customer calls you, your system would recognize their number and bring up their record straight away.

Cybersecurity needs to be a top priority

Cybersecurity may sound like a nightmare for small businesses to manage. In actual fact, however, it can be very simple. Firstly, minimize what you collect. Keep track of what you hold, where it is, and how long it is valid. Have systems to archive and then delete data as it ages.

Keep all your data with a reputable cloud vendor and control who has access to it. Even so, make sure that all personal data is always encrypted. Ideally, encrypt any data that’s at all sensitive. Back up your data regularly and check periodically that your backup process works effectively.


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