Essential Digital Marketing Tips For 2022!

Digital marketing is changing all the time, and that means to stay ahead of the game, you need to make sure that your business is keeping up with all the latest trends. The good news is you can read all about the hottest digital marketing trends for 2022 in the post below. 

Do Competitor Research 

Knowing what your closest competitors are up to is one of the most effective ways to boost your digital marketing in 2022. This is because it allows you to stand out, which means you’ll get more attention online, and ultimately more business. 

There are plenty of ways to help your business stand out online compared to your competitors too, including offering a guarantee, better social proof and trust signals, and even occupying different types of spaces online. 

Make use of Facebook ads 

What most businesses don't realize is that Facebook ads provide a marketing platform with minimal competition. What this means is by advertising on Facebook you will have a clear run directly to your target demographic. 

The process of advertising on Facebook includes creating a PPC campaign, where you only pay Facebook for the ad if a customer clicks on it. It's essential to get the wording of such an ad, as well as the keywords that trigger it to display spot on if you want to see maximum results. 

The good news is that you can work with digital marketing agencies like Adtaxi to help you make sure your ad is spot on. Then you can feel safe in the knowledge that you will get the best return on your investment and generate plenty of strong leads by advertising on Facebook. 

Develop Email Campaigns

Another digital marketing tactic that you cannot ignore in 2022 is email campaigns. This is because they provide over a 3600% ROI! However to get anywhere near this type of return on your investment you will need to make sure you are doing things in the right way. 

For example, welcome emails are a great way of getting people to buy from you a second time because they have a high open rate. Similarly, when it comes to abandoned cart emails, be sure not to quit after the first one. This is because studies have shown that over 60% of people will continue with their purchase after 3 of these emails. 

Make use of cookies and Remarketing

While cookies may sound like a delicious treat, they are far more valuable to your business’s digital marketing approach. This is because cookies allow you to track and gather data on what the people that have looked at your website are looking at online. 

In turn, this allows you to place adverts for your products on the pages you know they are looking at and visiting, making it much more likely they will see and respond to them. 

To use remarketing effectively for your business you will need to open a Google Ads account. You can even use their custom audience feature to get your ads shown on the social media (ie Facebook) of your past visitors. 


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