5 Steps To Create Your Business Website

A website can be a valuable tool to have for your small business. If you are not already creating one for it, you should be. But there is one important question that many still ask - how do I make a business website?

There are certain steps in order to create a successful business website, and the process isn't as complicated as some people may think.

These Steps Include:

You Need Hosting

The very first step when building any site is getting the domain name and finding a web host that meets your needs. Things like reliability, speed, price, security, etc., are all factors into which option you choose. Luckily this process has gotten much easier over the years, so do a quick search online for a hosting partner.

Pick Your Tools

After getting a web host, then it's time to pick out your CMS (content management system). There are many options available to choose from. Whichever one you go with will determine what kind of site design you get. Some things to consider when picking your CMS based on its features include eCommerce capabilities for online stores, multilingual support if needed, an easy-to-use editor for maintaining content yourself later, or SEO compatibility.

Develop Or Buy?

Once you've picked out your CMS and it's installed on the server, ready to go, it's time to put together your site design. If you are not familiar with the technical aspects of coding websites, this might make you nervous. 

To reduce some of this pressure, many website building platforms offer options to get a premade template for free or for an affordable monthly fee that includes hosting and phone support if needed. 

For those who do know how to code but don't have the time or desire to build their own custom site design, there are also options for buying templates here as well. That being said, plenty of DIYers have built great sites without spending too much money on templates, so the choice is yours at the end of the day.

Content Optimization

A business website should be easy to navigate and lead visitors to more than one page. It should also be mobile-friendly and show up on the first page of Google search results. Keep in mind that some companies can charge businesses to get an edge over other listings, so it's important to claim your business on all relevant directories while building the site design.

Launch Day!

After everything is perfect and you've tested everything extensively before launch, then go ahead and change the DNS records with your web host company to ensure the new address points directly to them for hosting rather than any old place where it previously was hosted at. After this is done, you will be officially live and able to start sharing links about your website on social media or among friends and family to get the word out there.

When looking at how to create a business website, some other things to consider are whether or not you should have a mobile version of it available and offer new content frequently on your site, including blog posts, press releases, images, videos, and more. This can help increase traffic and leads into your small business for years to come if done correctly.


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