Wellness, Health Access by NKC Wellness, Health Access by NKC

Taking A Step In The Right Health Direction

If you feel you need some time to relax, to understand and get your bearings, or to be a little kinder to yourself as you aim to progress - well, taking a step in the right direction could be a wonderful idea.


Often, we can think in ‘all or nothing’ therms. That is, if you’re failing to make the progress you wish to make, you might find yourself completely lapsing and avoiding any forward-future progress as a result. For instance, if you cheat on your diet, you might find yourself binging on food and sugary drinks as a means of enjoying yourself, because you know that you’ve taken a step back. This sounds contrary to good wisdom, but as beings that evolved in times of scarcity, it’s not hard to see how self-restraint is our biggest problem in the modern-day. It’s not something we’re particularly well-adapted to.

But taking a step in the right direction, especially where health is concerned, can be a fantastic alternative if you’re not interested in winning every battle in one swoop. If you feel you need some time to relax, to understand and get your bearings, or to be a little kinder to yourself as you aim to progress - well, taking a step in the right direction could be a wonderful idea. Here’s how you might be able to do that:

Investing In The Habit

From time to time, it might take a financial commitment to help you get started. If you hope to start yoga or go running, for example, you’ll likely feel much more encouraged if you purchase fitting running shoes or elastic stretching apparel. This way, a financial and intellectual investment in your chosen practice will make it much more likely that you stay committed. After all, we all wish to get our money’s worth. This may also help us build discipline, and stay on the right path.

Finding The Help You Need

It’s not always the case that our best health is under our control. In fact, it rarely is all of the time, despite our best intentions having a profound effect on how well we encourage our health. For instance, utilizing the services of a pedorthist can quite literally be a step in the right health direction, as healing or nurturing your physical requirements with a range of combined therapies can help you understand how to move forward, and what practices or habits to avoid. Through this effort you’re more likely to feel as though there’s a path forward, and that can be affirming enough.

Being Kind To Yourself

Be kind to yourself if you can manage it. It takes time to overcome bad habits or bad experiences, particularly if the past wasn’t your fault. Those who have suffered a bad injury, for instance, can often find themselves struggling to truly live wth abandon as they might have without that trauma. Being kind to yourself is certainly the first step in the right direction. It might help you grow and feel more confident. It might be a gentle voice telling you that it’s okay to have bad or less-productive days. No matter what, kindness is the key.

With this advice, we hope you can take a step in the right health direction, and feel empowered as a result.

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