Beauty Access by NKC Beauty Access by NKC

5 Helpful Tips for Masks & Makeup

Makeup and masks don’t mix well, especially during the summer, so we’ve put together five helpful tips for wearing makeup and a mask.

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While a beauty routine might seem nonessential right now, wearing makeup helps people maintain a sense of normalcy during this difficult time. At the same time, it is important to wear a mask when leaving the house because it will help protect you and others from contracting COVID. Makeup and masks don’t mix well, especially during the summer, so we’ve put together five helpful tips for wearing makeup and a mask.

1. Lather on Sunscreen

There are going to be more sunny days as summer approaches. Wearing a mask under the sun can tan the top half of your face and not the bottom. To avoid uneven tan lines, lather on a SPF 50 or higher face-safe sunscreen. Be sure to pick one up before summer kicks in.

2. Stay Smudge-Proof with Waterproof Mascara

Touching your eyes is a quick and easy way for coronavirus to enter your body. When you’re in public, you’ll want eye products that don’t require touch-ups. Waterproof mascara doesn’t smudge or budge, so you won’t need to worry about primping your eyelashes while you’re out. Put on a coat of waterproof mascara before leaving the house!

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3. Keep Moisturized

Look out for chafing while wearing a mask. If you have dry or combo skin, the repeated friction from wearing a mask can increase irritation on your face. A lotion or face-safe hydrating oil can help ease chafing caused by masks. Make sure to moisturize every morning.

4. Lose the Lipstick

Though lipstick usually adds to a look, make sure to wipe it off before putting your mask on. No one will be able to see it, and you’ll run the risk of it smudging on the mask’s fabric and onto your face. A chapstick or lip balm won’t get messy, plus the added SPF will protect your lips from any sun rays getting through your mask.

5. Set that Face

Wearing a full face plus a mask might cause products to gather or crease on your skin. Your face is more likely to become sweaty and oily during the summer, which will make your makeup run. Wearing a waterproof foundation or setting spray will help prevent creasing and running. They’ll set the products on your skin to make sure they won’t move.

Photo Credit: @beauty2thestreetz and @FatimaAldewan

Report: Rachel Attar

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Lifestyle, Wellness Access by NKC Lifestyle, Wellness Access by NKC

Actress Diane Neal Donates Handmade Masks Amidst COVID 19 Outbreak

Social distancing and shelter in place orders throughout the country have caused change for everyone. Actress Diane Neal has made the most of her self isolation by giving back to the community in the form of making and donating over 700 brightly colored face masks.

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Mid March is when the effects of the coronavirus pandemic started hitting many of us full force. We’ve all had plans cancelled and had to do things differently than we are used to. The same is true for actress Diane Neal who was sent home from filming internationally due to the spread of COVID 19. Diane has been making the most of her downtime in self isolation by giving back to the community.

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She began sewing masks in many brightly colored patterns, so far she has sewn for over 70 hours and made well over 700 masks. Diane has donated her masks to numerous friends and organizations including the National Action Network. In addition, Diane has taken to social media sharing her mask pattern as well as videos explaining each step of the process. She explained that people can make masks with many things already lying around their homes, she even used an old duvet cover to make some of her masks. Be sure to check out her instagram to learn how to make your own masks, stay healthy and safe!

Report: Rebecca Vanderkooi

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Celebrity, Designers, Fashion Access by NKC Celebrity, Designers, Fashion Access by NKC

The Fashion Industry Responds To The COVID-19 Crisis

The fashion industry has also had to make adjustments. Their hot new product? The surgical mask.


Due to the spread of coronavirus, or COVID-19, everyone has been advised to self-quarantine in their homes. Businesses have had to make several adjustments. Restaurants are only doing takeout, supermarkets can only let in a few people at a time, and people are having meetings on Zoom. The fashion industry has also had to make adjustments. Their hot new product? The surgical mask.


Since people have been advised to wear masks when they rarely go out in public, this has started to lead to a shortage. Designer Christian Siriano recently announced that he will be making masks to help with this issue, and several other brands and designers have followed. Siriano announced this with a tweet to New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo's statement that if anyone could make masks, Cuomo would fund it. Siriano said that his full team was in their homes and available to help. Siriano then received a pattern and then delivered a similar fabric to each of his employees. Siriano's studio was deemed an essential business, and was then turned into a mask assembly line, with each employee standing six feet apart.

Report: Anna Bechtel

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