Wellness, Health Access by NKC Wellness, Health Access by NKC

Why Chronic Injuries Don't Have To Remain Chronic

You don’t have to live with your chronic injury and can manage the pain more effectively by following this guide.

For most people, acute injuries will crop up at some point in their lives. You may have tweaked a muscle while out jogging or you might simply have slept in an odd position straining your neck. With any luck, these injuries rectify themselves in a matter of days, if not hours. However, some less fortunate individuals will encounter more chronic injuries that go beyond the niggle or the ache. Chronic back pain or shoulder issues can be hugely detrimental to a person’s quality of life. If you suffer from a pain that never goes away, it can be the only thing you focus on, leaving you feeling depressed and low. But, it doesn’t have to remain this way. You don’t have to live with your chronic injury and can manage the pain more effectively by following this guide.


See A Professional

Your first port of call should be your doctor. A medical professional should carry out a full assessment of your ailment and hopefully give you a diagnosis. You could be suffering from tendon damage, a broken ligament or a slipped disc. When a diagnosis isn’t forthcoming, it can feel like you are being fobbed off. 

Being told that your pain can be managed with over the counter painkillers is soul destroying as you do nothing but take pills to mask the pain. Instead, you need to seek the advice of a professional who can help you get to the root of your injury and pain. Head to a chiropractor who will manipulate your joints, focusing on your back in an effort to address your pain. You will leave the chiropractor’s office feeling more empowered to manage your pain rather than just mask it.


While painkillers may have a place in helping you to lead a normal life, you need to address more natural remedies for your chronic niggle. Yoga is no longer simply for dreadlocked individuals who chant alongside burning incense sticks. Yoga is even being prescribed by doctors to help individuals with pain. By learning a range of postures, you can help your body to maintain flexibility and strengthen your core. Alongside breathing exercises, you can channel your energies into more positive thoughts, preventing you from succumbing to injury-induced depression and low mood.

Eat Well

If you have a few too many pounds on your frame, this will inevitably put excess pressure on joints and muscles. You need to try and shift the pound to help manage your chronic pain. Don’t go for a faddy diet, juice detox or cabbage soup meal plan. Instead, tweak your current eating to replace sugary candy with fruit and nuts. Swap the deep fried takeaways with leaner meats, oily fish and whole grains. You should still eat when you are hungry, but choose healthier options than fat-laden temptations. Your calorie intake will naturally decrease helping you lose weight and feel happier and more positive

Chronic injuries can be detrimental to your life. Follow this guide and manage your pain more effectively, helping you to maintain a positive and happy existence.

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