The Sweet and Salty Salad That Should Be At Every BBQ!
In need of a refreshing summer salad? I’ve got just the thing. This easy and delicious watermelon prosciutto salad is exactly what you need to take that summer barbecue to the next level.
In need of a refreshing summer salad? I’ve got just the thing. This easy and delicious watermelon prosciutto salad is exactly what you need to take that summer barbecue to the next level. With watermelon being in its prime season, it’s only right to use it as much as possible.
Here’s what you’ll need:
1 Package of Baby Arugula
Fresh Watermelon
1/2lb Prosciutto di Parma Thinly Sliced (You’ll definitely have leftovers!)
Shredded Parmigiano Reggiano
Balsamic Glaze
1 Lemon
Side Note:
This salad can be paired with any melon, but the refreshing appeal from the watermelon is my favorite part about this recipe!
How to Make it:
Take the full package of baby arugula, and throw it in a bowl. Squeeze half a lemon, throw a pinch of salt, and a teaspoon of EVOO to gently coat the arugula. Now, toss it!
Take the watermelon and cut it into bit size cubes/chunks. In your favorite bowl lay the arugula down, and as much as prosciutto as wanted! Once the watermelon and prosciutto are added, add a quick layer of balsamic glaze and garnish with parmigiano reggiano. That’s it!
It seriously can’t get much easier than this, and trust me it’ll be a crowd favorite. The sweet taste from the watermelon being paired with the saltiness from the prosciutto is too good to be true. Just take my word for it!
Photo Credits: Kaitlin Gallagher
Report: Kaitlin Gallagher
It’s Charcuterie Time: June Board
Our June Board Is Here, And It's Time To Grill!
This month the charcuterie theme of choice is grilling, in honor of all those wonderful dad’s out there who think they’re ~the grill master~. Didn’t think charcuterie could be more than just a cheese board? Well, I’m happy to prove you wrong! This easy, delicious, and in my eyes, beautiful board is everything you need to make your man of choice’s day special.
A charcuterie is worth the time and effort, just looking at my masterpiece makes me happy. I’m all about self care, so treating myself to a pretty dinner and bar worthy drink is all I need in life, and I highly recommend it. Maybe, that’s why I love charcuterie so much!
Anyway, here she is! THE June Charcuterie. It may look intimidating, but trust me it’s an easy dinner. The hardest part about it is cooking the actual dinner, plating is just fun!
The Breakdown:
You have your basics that any meat eating human will love, Chicken Skewers and Sliced Steak.
My trusty sides of choice were Roasted & Grilled Potatoes, Grilled Asparagus, Grilled Corn, and an easy Garden Salad. (As you can tell I really tried to stick to the “grill” theme!)
I even included easy appetizers too! Caprese and Bruschetta are always my favorites to work with.
And that’s it! You have your apps, mains, and sides all on one plate. It can’t get much easier than that!
The best part about charcuterie is that you can be as creative as possible. You literally can’t do it wrong, so just go for it! Even if it’s a meal for one, create an Instagram worthy dinner for yourself!
Next month I may go for a sweeter board, so stay tuned!
Photo Credits: Kaitlin Gallagher
Report: Kaitlin Gallagher
So, What Does It Really Mean To Eat In Season
Eating in season is all about taking advantage of what the Earth provides while remaining conscious of your impact on the environment.
On March 12th, 2020 I received a call from my supervisor that our offices were to be closed until further notice. I knew that it meant change was to come; I expected life to look different. This is all uncharted territory for everyone. In just 2 weeks, toilet paper became the hottest commodity. Media outlets covered countless stories about the decline of toilet paper supply. However, there was another commodity that eventually became even harder to come by, meat.
Walking the aisles of the local supermarkets, I couldn’t help to notice the absence of meat and abundance of fresh produce. Along with meat, canned and frozen produce are becoming hard finds. While completing my weekly rounds through the grocery circuit, I’ve overheard several conversations about produce that all lead to these three conclusions:
Unfamiliar produce is scary to most
Consumers are unaware of what it means to eat in season
Many people do not know how to properly store produce
There were murmurs of “that’s going to spoil in 2 days” and “I don’t even know what to do with that”, which were quickly followed by a bee line to the barren canned foods aisle. Although canned and frozen produce contain the same nutritional value as their fresh counterparts, the taste isn’t comparable. But what does a meat shortage actually mean for us?
For starters, the empty shelves at supermarkets are the first indicator that something strange is happening. However, as supply returns to stores, the variety of meat is expected to decline. Some finer cuts may no longer be as available and high demand items, like bacon, will see an increase in price. This doesn’t mean that you should go and stockpile meat in your deep freezer. By making simple adjustments to your food habits, you can explore the world of food and reduce your impact on your environment. Trust me, the latter is better than engorging in freezer burned ribeyes this summer season.
A simple way to combat food fatigue is to embark on an adventure with your food, and this can be done by eating in season from the comfort of your kitchen.
So, what does it mean to eat in season?
Eating in season is all about taking advantage of what the Earth provides while remaining conscious of your impact on the environment. Not all produce blooms the same…at the same time. Foods reach peak flavor and nutritional value seasonally. This means, in order to enjoy fresh produce at its fullest potential, it’s better to eat it in the season it would normally grow. Eating in season is not only for your enjoyment and health, but it is also beneficial for the earth.
Before you sit down to take a bite of your lunch or Sunday dinner, think about the journey each individual ingredient took to reach your plate. How much gas did it take to transport the onions and garlic from the ground to your plate? About how much electricity was required to keep your milk and cheese safe enough to consume? About how many pesticides were used to keep your fruit safe from predators during a season it does not normally grow? These questions are things to think about as you are purchasing your food.
Eating in season helps reduce your carbon footprint or your impact on the natural environment. Foods that are cultivated in season, require less protection and less fortification to make them satisfiable for the consumer. The different types of produce each have specific characteristics that indicate ripeness.
Picking your produce
I can tell you one hundred times to try different produce, but if you do not know how to pick your produce, then all the energy would be wasted. If you did not major in horticulture, here are 3 simple things to look for when picking fresh produce:
Color- food should be vibrant and colorful.
Smell- you can smell when produce is ripened; especially, fruits. They will give off a sweet faint aroma near the blossom end.
Sound- this applies largely to melons. You should hear a deep solid “thump” when you pluck the fruit. If it sounds high and shallow, then the fruit is not ripe.
Spring/Summer Produce
Here’s a color-coded list of summer produce to be on the lookout for as you make your grocery store runs:
Red indicates foods that are good sources of vitamin A (Retinol, Retinal, Retinoic Acid). Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin (absorbed by fat in the body) that is essential to immune system functions, vision, and human growth/development. Vitamin A not only helps the body fight of infections, but helps you see in low light!
Vitamin C, probably the most famous vitamin to hit the streets, is your ride or die vitamin. This water-soluble vitamin boosts your immune and repairs damages to the body. From your skin to your heart, this vitamin plays a major role in maintaining your health.
Vitamin B6 can be found in starchy produce, this produce also tends to be yellow. B6 is important for breaking down proteins (protein metabolism), immune functions, energy, and the formation of red blood cells.
Summer Squash
Riboflavin or vitamin B2 is essential to cell growth and function. This vitamin can be found in green veggies. Major factor in your body being able to break down drugs, fats, and steroids.
Fun Fact: Your body can actually produce a decent amount of riboflavin on its own, by simply eating more plant-based foods.
Green Beans
Lima Beans
Tocopherol and Tocotrienol, or vitamin E, can be found abundantly and in blueish purple produce. This vitamin is known for its antioxidizing properties. This is a great vitamin that helps fight heart disease and cancer.
As we phase through this pandemic and beyond, I want to explore food with you! The shortage in meat will not be the first change we see in our food culture. However, it is my goal to empower you during these lifestyle changes to take ownership of your life, both in and out of the kitchen.
Be on the lookout for produce storage tips and more!
At the rise of Covid-19 many of us first questioned the timeline of fashion week and would we see the regular calendar continue - the question weighed over many of us for months! It was refreshing to see design houses and designers across the globe take advantage of the uncertainty and plow into production mode - thus my interest in Jerri Reid New York - The Black Designer based in Brooklyn New York wow’d instagram with his latest collection paying homage to the Black Is King film which debuted earlier this year in July. I was taken aback at quick of a turn round the young designer produced and released his well crafted designs reflecting some of the films most memorable moments.