
arbrey - The Coloured Spirit.jpg

During a time when you didn’t think it can’t get any worse than the Coronavirus, we are thrown a reminder that racism is still very much alive.

It has come to a point that black people can’t do daily hobbies and activities regularly without it costing their life because we fit the description. Once we fit the profile, its nothing but shoot first ask questions later. When will it end?

Ahmaud Arbery and his loved ones are asking the same question. Arbery didn’t think he would end up one of the many names of black people shot and killed for living their lives while fitting the description.

There’s always a depiction of black people that is negative within any community. Usually, it’s that their gangbangers or drug dealers. The ones that become successful have to work twice as hard to prove they aren’t the negative stereotypes that they’ll always be labeled regardless because of where they come from.

Arbery was a young black man unarmed out for a jog when the father-son duo Gregory and Travis Michael noticed Arbery and immediately pursued him as the person responsible for a recent string of burglaries in the neighborhood.

As any right-minded person would, Arbery tried to fight off his assailants with his own self-defense and this resulted in his death.

For so many years the laws in the Southern United States have been against African Americans with a lengthy list of black killings as proof. The laws continue to allow average caucasian citizens to take it upon themselves to decide who is a criminal.

If its not bad enough that the Coronavirus is killing thousands of people daily, black people are still dying just for being black.

From Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner, Sandra Bland, to Michael Brown and so many more and now Ahmaud Arbery.

The real question is when will black lives actually matter?

To be black in America is to be a target in America.

Report: Josephine Coiscou


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