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What Do the Cards Say?: A Journey Down the Youtube Tarot Rabbit Hole

I watched 5 tarot card readings on YouTube and wrote all about what is in the cards for me. Watch them and let me know what is going on in your future.

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Did you know there are tarot card readings on YouTube? They have quickly become a guilty pleasure of mine. In these uncertain times, a peek into the future can be relieving. For those who have poured over their birth charts, this is for you. The categories and topics of each reading is endless: money, soulmates, what the next month holds in store for you.

I watched 5 tarot readings and thought I’d share what my future is looking like. But, first let me give you a little background on the readings and how they typically go. Some are pretty lengthy going over 2 hours for all readings and others are around 45 minutes. The longer the video means the more detailed the reading is. Throughout all of the tarot channels, they all begin in the same fashion.

- Typical YouTube intro: “Hey, guys!”

- Camera paneled down to four cards or crystals

- Overview of what the reading is about

- Choose whatever card or crystal resonates the most with you

- Go to the time jump for your selection and enjoy your reading

Okay, let’s get started. The YouTube algorithms are already hip to this guilty pleasure so I will be going from the first 7 videos recommended to me. Along with each video I will give you 5 highlights of my reading and how in tune the reader was. I have my essential oil diffuser going and a drink in my hand, I am ready, Miss. Cleo.

First up: “*PICK A CARD* (May Prediction 2020)” by Shonnetta’s Divine Tarot (@shonnettasintuition)

First off, love her energy. There is something about a fellow natural hair black woman that makes me feel instantly connected. Now on to my reading. I chose pile #3 to tell me all about what May has in store for me. And here are the highlights:

- Birds. Be on the lookout for birds and feathers, cool cool cool.

- All about the Benjamins. Owww, May is all about the pay. Apparently I should be on the lookout for a pay day this month. Second round of stimulus check, perhaps?

- Important message and wisdom coming my way. An epiphany. I need to meditate to truly get my answers.

- Move away from things that do not serve me. Yes. Finding out what is best for my soul should be my mission for May. This is when I will yield the best results.

- Don’t miss my blessings. Noted.

That was an okay reading. Feel it wasn’t spot on or as specific as I was hoping, but what she had to say was nice to hear. Will I be going back for more readings from Shonnetta? Sure, why not? She has a positive energy that you can’t help but contract.

Second: “Your Life in Three Years From Now (PICK A CARD)” by The Gem Goddess (@thegoddessgem)

I have watched readings on this channel before and I have liked what was in the cards. Three years from now I will be 28, and I pray for better times than this. Please let this reading reflect that. So what does pile #4 say?

- The first card is sun in Virgo and my sun sign is Virgo, hello connection. With the 8 of pentacles, she tells me three years from now I will be going through big changes.

- Renovation of self and environment, letting things go.

- Oh, no. A significant relationship will be ending. Friendship or a romantic relationship, I like my good friends, a boyfriend is whatever. The relationship wasn’t fair or balanced, it did not serve me.

- Fully focused on my career. Stability, security and delight in my future. Finding my feet and myself. Really liking the sounds of that. And more money coming in.

- Moving to a different place?? But, I will be going through the emotions...sick.

- Ultimate highlight: 9 months after purging what doesn’t work for me, I will attract the love of my life. I can get jiggy with that.

This was such a good reading. So detailed in all of the explanations. It really made me look forward to the future. Although, there will be hardships and ended relationships, it will all be for the good and better.

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Third: “CHANNELING YOUR DIVINE COUNTERPART-What are they like? What kind of lover are they?” By Gossamery Dreams (@gossamery_dreams)

This video comes with a 18+ warning. How detailed will this be? I have never watched a reading from this channel, so my curiosity sure peaked. I chose pile #3, let’s see.

- My counterpart is very successful, currently going through a divorce/break up, and is highly desired by women. A catch. Okay. And he is older.

- This guy sure knows how to pick ‘em. Apparently my “counterpart” has been choosing the wrong women, the reader in the video describes them as “gold-diggers.”

- We will be eachothers awakening.

- Third reading in a row telling me to let go of things that do not serve me. When I purge, then will come the greatness of success and love. Wowzers. I hear you, universe.

- My counterpart will be alll about me..hmm I would like to see that.

This was my favorite reading, not because of the 18+, but the reader was having so much fun. Her energy and dedication was palpable. I totally recommend y’all going to her channel.

Four: “(Pick A Card) Who is YOUR SOULMATE?!?” by The Tarot Priest (@thetarotpriest)

After the previous reading, this was bound to pop up. This will not be the first “soulmate” reading I’ve seen, these are the ones I like watching to compare them all. Previously I have gotten a creative, successful man who is older than me and is into music/plays an instrument. Along with many other lengthy details, but I’ll spare you. Now, I felt compelled to go with the red pile.

-They are going through it, right now. Changes, growing, overcoming. And possibly a psychic or an empath. Interesting.

- We will always have fun. Playful and spiritual connections.

- He is not materialistic, but working towards accomplishing more.

- Is not open to go on their spiritual journey right now.

- We are on the same path to each other. Just different backgrounds.

This was the shortest reading and the least thrilling. Good video and the reader was informative, but I will probably hesitate watching another reading from this channel.

Five: “*(PICK A CARD)* Everything About Your Immediate Future! *PSYCHIC READING* by Vanessa Somuayina (@build_a_beaulife)

Last video is a short one. Never saw a video about my immediate future, it’s a little too “The Ring” for me. But, let’s see what she is hitting on. The Blue Quartz spoke to me.

- Things are moving into a better spot for me financially. With the lockdown, I am not sure how that's going to work, but never block your blessings!

- What is meant to be mine, will be mine.

- Watch what I say because I tend to be a little too forward and it sometimes comes off as harsh. Noted. I will try.

- Take a time out. Easy. Quarantine has never made that so easy.

- A new romance or platonic connection could be coming my way.

Well, in this video I got some good insight. Not sure what I was expecting, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. A lot to keep in mind for the foreseeable future.

Many may find this tarot card reading on youtube a bit cheesy, and it kind of is. But, in times where there is so much negativity going on this is a spark of joy and fun. Not taking anything too seriously and speculating about what our future holds. So go ahead, sit back and watch these videos for yourself or the bevvy of others out there. Find out about your sexy soulmate or when will be your next big pay day or what is going on in your career.

Report: Bria Ward

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