How The Modeling Industry Takes on Social Distancing

People around the world experienced job losses and closed businesses during quarantine, although it’s not the most positive event, people are working hard to figure out how to get around it. Being in quarantine pushes businesses to get creative while working so they can continue to keep the business open and running. One of the most prominent examples is the modeling industry, that is now doing shoots with just the click of a button. The modeling industry has taken a turn for the best, getting very creative and switching their in person shoots to “facetime shoots”. Instead of panicking, photographers such as Tatiana Atkova and Tim Dunk decided to experiment with the idea.

If you think that facetime photo shoots are easier than in person shoots, you're wrong. Models are to get ready by themselves when they're used to having stylists and makeup artists, which could be challenging for some. Unfortunately, stylists and makeup artists can’t do much while practicing social distancing, but they can still put their input in over the phone. Another hardship that comes with these shoots is making sure the clarity and lighting is just right, if not this could result in poor quality pictures. Below, Tatiana Atkova, a photographer in New York City, displayed some portraits on her social media all taken over facetime, crazy right?

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While change may be difficult, photographers seem to be having fun creating new content. Tim Dunk stated in an interview that “Props were pulled from shelves and cupboards, or cat beds and cribs. I’ve shot people living within shouting distance and stayed up way past my bedtime shooting people on the other side of the world. The shoots were fast and fun, locked into a short time frame and a similar visual language.” Now, many photographers around the world are engaging in facetime photoshoots making it a trend within the industry. The facetime trend has flourished and is now recognized by people across the world, whether it be for work or fun.

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Report: Emily Andrews


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