Why Do We Neglect Our Teeth?

Oral hygiene is one of the most overlooked areas of our health. It's bizarre how we neglect our teeth so easily and yet, they provide us with the essential tasks that we need to not just enjoy life, but actually survive. Having a good set of teeth isn’t just so you can appear more appreciable, or look attractive on a date, but actually, so you can eat! Yet, so many of us actually forget about some basic things we can do to improve our health, strengthen our gyms and just live a better more comfortable life regarding our oral hygiene.

Flossing is a skill

The thing about flossing is, no one really wants to do it. Who would have thought that a little thread going through our teeth would be such kryptonite for some of us!? Well, it is. And the reason for it is, it's uncomfortable. When you floss for the first time, you may find that your gyms are a lot more sensitive than you previously thought. When the thread hits your gums, it can feel very sharp. You may even find that you are bleeding. But this isn’t because of flossing, it's because of your gums being so poor in health. We recommend that you learn how to floss, without touching your gums or not putting as much pressure on them.

Just set an alarm

We have to brush twice a day; that much everyone agrees with. However, when we do so is a hard question to answer. Some of us think that we could brush our teeth the second time, after dinner, no matter how late it is. But we have found that when we speak to many people, we rarely brush our teeth in the evening because we forget. So, rather than fuss about before or after a meal, we think you should just brush full stop. So set an alarm for when you should brush your teeth in the evening. We think it should be no later than 10 pm, otherwise, it will feel like a chore. 


Always visit the…

You should know by now that dentists are not something to be afraid of but some of us don’t get over the fear of metal sharp objects being used in our mouths. But there are some density brands that go the extra mile to increase patient comfort. When finding a dentist you need to look at their user reviews and ratings on Google. This dentistry especially has got a reputation for keeping you relaxed, always informing you of what is going on and not going too far too fast in their treatments. Once you are comfortable, then you can begin to receive the best kind of treatment, so you can have a good smile and most of all, a healthy smile.

We neglect our teeth because, A: we’re lazy, B: we find it a chore, and C: because we are afraid of the dentist. Make it your mission now, to no longer do any of these things.


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