How to Grow Your Brand while in Quarantine

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The times we are living in are extremely tumultuous. Never before has the nation seen a lockdown of this magnitude. As businesses have to make ever changing decisions, and some have a complete stall in work until this period of time is over - here are some simple ways to keep your brand relevant and growing while in quarantine:

1) Keep your Social Media Heavily Up To Date

Social media has been flooded with even more people than usual as users flock to the sites to help them pass the time and stay entertained. Keep your brand relevant by staying relevant. Whether it be livestreams, funny memes, or updates on your status, the more content you push out the more people will have to consume if they come to your page.

2) Be Interactive

Consumers want to feel heard. Make them feel personally involved by giving them the chance to share their input. Instagram stories give you the perfect opportunity to do this. Polls, question and answers, and repostable stories give your followers a fun and creative way to participate with you. Respostable stories also increase traffic to your page by reaching users who do not follow or may not know about you.

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3) Acknowledge the Abnormal Situation, Don’t Ignore It!

People are uncomfortable, scared, and confused. Acknowledge those feelings. Pretending everything is normal, when it is clearly not, will only hinder a consumer's feelings towards your brand. Connect with the consumer, let them know what you are doing to deal with the quarantine, and let them know that though these are strange times you are still there. Build on the consumer relationships that are already in place to keep your base strong.

Photo Credits: Louis Vuitton and Sephora

Report: Jordyn Kelley

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