How Your Workplace Could Be Making You Sick

We are aware that there are many risks in the workplace. One is machinery, and another is trip hazards, for example. You also need to think about security, both in the real world and online. Stress, anxiety, and physical problems can all make employees sick. But you might not have thought about the fact that your office, where you work, could also be dangerous. 


The problems within your workplace could be making you less physically and mentally fit than you should be and less productive at your job as well. Read on to learn about some of these problems and how to deal with them.

workplace wellness employee mental health

Your Dirty Keyboard

You might have a thorough cleaning schedule and make sure to clean everything once a week or so. You might dust the shelves, vacuum the floor, and maybe even clean the windows. This will look and feel great in your office, so what else could go wrong? Your keyboard is the answer. If you don't clean your keyboard when you clean the rest of your computer, you might miss the most important and dirtiest part.

The problem is that we are always touching this keyboard. It gets dirty, and germs move to and from it. If we don't wash our hands enough, these germs can make us sick. So, when you sanitize your office, don't forget to clean your keyboard. You can even buy products that are made to make this easier. If you hire someone to clean your office for you, make sure they clean your keyboard or make sure you do it yourself.


Your Contaminated Drinking Water 

Everyone knows they need to drink a lot of water during the day to keep themselves happy, healthy, and productive. Not drinking enough leads to dehydration, and that can be very dangerous. At the very least, it’s unpleasant and will mean you need to take some time off work to recover. 

However, the drinking water in your office might be dangerous, so you must take care. You can visit to find out more about a famous case where people became very sick due to contaminated water – this will help you understand how dangerous it can be. 

If you have drinking water in the office, make sure it is filtered and that the filters are changed regularly. 


Your Unhealthy Air Conditioning 

Air conditioning systems are common in both households and businesses. People are much less productive when they are hot, thus it makes sense to install an air conditioner at your workplace; it will help people work harder. 

Unfortunately, an AC unit that hasn't been maintained might be extremely hazardous. Legionnaires' disease is a potentially fatal illness caused by inhaling droplets of water infected with legionella bacteria, which can be produced by these units. Another issue is mold growth because of the persistent moisture. And, if your office's air conditioner isn't working properly, it'll cost you a lot to keep everyone comfortable.

Because of this, it's important to schedule annual maintenance for your air conditioner. In this manner, not only can you save money on cooling costs while also making your workplace safer, but you can also avoid major problems that could prove prohibitively expensive if they occur.


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