Setting Yourself Up For Success: Morning Routine Edition

Time Management Business Owner Productivity

The way your morning runs can determine your success for the day. If you wake up and everything runs smoothly, you can leave the house feeling organized and energized. If you’re unprepared, chances are your stress levels will be through the roof before you’ve even stepped out of the door. Maybe you’re back in the office after working from home through Covid and getting back into the swing of things has been a shock to the system. Or maybe you’re just starting out, finding your feet in your first grown up job. Either way, here are some of the ways you can set yourself up for success in the mornings. 

Get a good night's sleep

It goes without saying that a good night's sleep is going to make for a more pleasant morning. When you’re absolutely exhausted, it doesn't matter too much what you do, you’re going to have a hard time. One of the best ways to ensure you’re drifting off to sleep at a reasonable time is to get into a routine. Go to bed at the same time each night, it can take some adjustment but your body will start to get used to it and anticipate sleep at that time. 

Get up a little earlier

That extra fifteen minutes snooze time in the morning really isn’t going to make much of a difference to your energy levels. However, fifteen minutes extra to get yourself ready and organised really can have an impact, and can be enough to really set you up for success in your day. Those extra few minutes can prevent you from feeling rushed out of the door, and put you in a much more relaxed mood to start your day

Lay out your outfit ready to go

The last thing you want in the morning is to be running around like a headless chicken, dragging clothes out of the dryer, ironing them and searching for the right shoes. Lay out everything you plan on wearing the next day, from underwear through to outfit to shoes and accessories. That way you can get up and put everything on without having to stress yourself out looking for anything or making fashion decisions. You have peace of mind knowing that everything you need is there and ready to go. 

Pack bags and lunches the night before

Again, packing bags and lunches is something that should be done the night before. A well packed work bag containing everything you need will prevent you from forgetting anything important. Consider adding things like tissues or wipes, an umbrella, pen, any grooming items you might need like a hairbrush or lipstick. If you know you need certain paperwork for the next day, get it packed in your bag the night before and that way you won’t forget. 

Eat breakfast

Finally, always aim to eat breakfast. Not everyone can handle certain foods in the morning so work out what you can tolerate. Many breakfasts can be made in advance which makes it easier too- from overnight oats to omelette bites, homemade breakfast bars and more. A coffee in the morning can help to give you that boost you need too, check out espresso machines and grinders and consider investing in one if you enjoy a morning cup of joe. And give yourself that twenty or so minutes in the morning to sit, eat and drink so you’re fueled and ready for the day.


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