Lifestyle, Health Access by NKC Lifestyle, Health Access by NKC

To Drink or Not to Drink: How to Ingest Celery and Why

Celery Juice. Morning Rituals. Pressed Juice.

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The popularity of these green stems is reaching a new level, when celebrities such as Naomi Campbell, Gwyneth Paltrow and Miranda Kerr drink celery juice in large quantities, not forgetting to share their habit on Instagram. In fact, the hashtag #celeryjuice has more than 170,000 posts, and there are no millennials left in the world who would not be interested in the benefits of the miracle vegetable. So, is celery really so useful or is it just another marketing trend?

Celery is a high-water vegetable, which makes it a pretty moisturizing product. It is also a source of fiber, which our intestines love. Add here vitamins (K, A, C), potassium and folic acid, which are found in celery, plus a whole group of antioxidants, and you get a pretty healthy snack. When the benefits of celery are obvious, another question arises – why do we turn it into juice?

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Celebrities and health activists shared with public strict instructions for consuming celery! Stems should not be eaten for nothing; celery should have a juice consistency and should be drunk on an empty stomach. Organic celery is considered an obvious plus, and it needs to be cooked fresh and taken immediately.

Regardless of your position, eating celery in small portions will not harm you. But the high-profile statements that it can cure diseases and help digestion are one-sided, because there is no real evidence other than vivid photos on Instagram.

Report: Olha Dzharyha

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