These Tips will Help you to Brand your Business Vehicle

One thing you need to know about work vehicles is that they end to be highly visible. They are essentially rolling billboards for your company. A lot of companies will put their company logo and phone number on the side of their car, but don’t look at the bigger picture. This is the last thing you want to do, as you could be really missing out.

Be Clear with What you Offer

The first thing you need to do is be descriptive with your offering. You have to make sure that your company name is printed on the side of the vehicle and you also need to advertise your core product or service. If you have a company such as “John’s Plumbing” then you’ll be able to provide all of the information you need to your customers without trying too hard. If your name isn’t descriptive like this or if your offerings are not clear then you will need to elaborate a little more.

Include Contact Information

It is surprising to see how many companies omit their contact information when branding their vehicles. If you want to do something about this then make sure that you at least include a phone number and an email address. If you don’t then you may find that your customers don’t have any way of getting in touch with you, should they want to hire your company. Your contact details should be on both sides of the vehicle where possible. If you are in the trade business then buying a van could be the way to go, as this will make you look far more professional. If you want some help here, then be sure to check out Edmunds.

Make it Readable and Easy to Understand

Company branding should be very easy to read. You need it to be readable from a distance as well. When choosing your car branding information, it is a good idea for you to choose a text colour that is high in contrast. You also need to make sure that it is clear even in bad weather conditions. If you want to make sure that you are getting the best result then it helps to choose a white car or van, and then opt for black writing. Choosing a bold colour, such as red can also be the way to go, just make sure that you are giving it a lot of thought so you can make sure that your branding is always visible and easy to understand.

Hire a Professional when Applying your Decals

Another thing you need to do is hire a professional. If you try and take care of all your branding efforts yourself then this can work against you. You may find that the end result doesn’t look as good as it could, and this can be a reflection on your brand. This is the last thing you need, so take the time to make sure that this is not the case, and hire a professional from the get-go.


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