How To Improve Your Time Management Both Professionally And Personally

Time management is a skill that’s very helpful to have, whether it’s personally or professionally. There’s nothing worse than being late to a meeting or being the person who is always expected to be late to event functions and social occasions.

Here are some helpful tips that will help improve your time management so that you can show up professionally and personally on time - all the time!

Plan to arrive earlier than on time for meetings and events

Try to plan your arrival earlier than the meeting or event in question is due to take place. It’s always better to be early on your arrival than it is to be late. Being late means you miss out while being early allows you to take advantage of everything that’s likely to happen before the event and during.

If you’ve got a diary appointment for 9 am, aim to get there for 8.30 am-8.45 am. If you’re giving yourself a fifteen-minute window at least, chances are any delays will ensure you get there on time.

Try to keep an organised calendar

Being organised is important, especially in this day and age where life can get a little hectic. Try to keep a calendar to keep track of everything you’re doing. By staying organised, you’re going to help yourself in keeping on top of things instead of them letting getting on top of you!

Stay organised with a calendar, whether you use something simple like Google Calendar or you use an app that helps control even more aspects of your life. One that can easily combine both work and personal life is useful to have.

Incorporate a routine into your daily life

Incorporating a routine into your daily life is easier said than done. There are a lot of time management courses online that can be helpful to take when it comes to keeping time so it’s well worth utilising these where you can.

A routine can be something as simple as getting up, having breakfast first and then getting dressed before heading out the door to work. Put things into your routine that you’ll then do every day. As a result, it becomes a habit that you keep and it can help you to stay on time.

Limit distractions

Distractions can be a problem, especially for someone who has trouble keeping to time. If that sounds like you, then it’s definitely worth improving upon the environment that surrounds you.

For those that are easily distracted, find ways or methods of removing the distractions or at least limiting them. There will be some, where you have more control over it than others. If that’s the case, then it’s certainly worth controlling what you can.

Set reminders and alerts

To help with timing, set reminders and alerts. That way, if you find yourself forgetting about time checking, it can ensure to remind you when you need to get moving.

While time management can be harder for some than others, it’s always worth the struggle to overcome and improve.


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