Drones Are Taking Over Careers!

There is little denying the popularity of drone technology today. Not only have drones provided another gadget for people to enjoy, but they have also completely transformed the way we go about our jobs too. It is estimated that there are around 100,000 drone-related careers that are about to enter the job market within the coming few years. These jobs will range from thermography to modeling, mapping, cinematography, and aerial photography, to name but a few. There are also drone-related careers opening up for engineers, pilots, and UAV operators at all experience levels. With that being said, continue reading if you are interested in a drone-related career to find out what different options are out there for you at present. 

Performance Art And Photography - Clearly, aerial photography is one of the most obvious career fields you can move to, and you can fly all kinds of drones like the DJI Mavic 3 in this career. For beginners, you can find out more about the different drones that are suitable for when you are just starting out in this area. Beyond this, the creative and artistic use of drones goes further than the simple operation we all know. For example, designing 3D light shows is an interesting use of drones. Your time would be spent putting together an interesting light show by choreographing teams of drones and designing high visibility light shows. 

Training Other People To Use Drones - Educational careers crop up regularly. Needless to say, if you are going to go down this path with your career, you are going to need to have experience in operating a drone. You will also need to have experience in teaching too. This can be a very rewarding career path to go down. 

Customizing And Maintaining Drones - The demand for maintenance and spare parts is only going to get bigger and bigger as the demand for drones grows. Needless to say, this role will also get more and more advanced as new technology is developed. Once you start in the maintenance field, you could move into designing customizable pieces for existing models. This is the natural route for most. Plus, leisure drone racing is starting to become a big thing. There have already been World Drone Prix races too. This is a career path that could certainly have some legs in it going forward. 

Building, developing, and selling drones - Another career path is the physical supply of drones, which again, is a career that is getting more and more popular due to the big demand for drones. You could go down the path of pursuing a career with drone developers. These sorts of positions will clearly demand some education in relevant fields, for example, mechanical engineering, robotics, or aeronautical engineering. Experience would be very valuable. However, you could gain this by starting out as an intern and taking it from here. Of course, you could set up your own business and attempt to develop your own drones and sell them from here. However, this is a big leap, and you may want to pursue this after you have worked for someone else.

Flying drones - Last but not least, you did not think we were going to talk about drone-related careers without mentioning flying them, did you? This is probably the most straightforward career to understand out of all of them that have been mentioned. In most cases, you will be expected to have a UAV certificate, and you will need to have a thorough knowledge of the regulations that are in place for flying things into the air. In the US, this includes knowledge of the FAA rules firstly, as well as the Part 107 Remote Pilot in Command Certificate. As you can appreciate, being willing to travel is also important. There are a wide variety of tasks you could need the drone to perform depending on the services provided by the company that you work for. 

As you can see, there are many different careers available for those who want to work in a drone-related field. The good thing is that there are careers across a wide range of industries, all of a very different nature, so hopefully, you will have found something that appeals to your interest and your skillset. It is likely that these jobs are only going to get bigger and bigger as the years go on. 


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