3 Key Signs Your Business Is Stressing You Out

Stress is pretty much part and parcel of being a business owner. However, it’s important that you learn to identify the telltale signs that your company is stressing you out. Here are three key things that indicate you are definitely struggling with high-stress levels:

You’re struggling to sleep

Do you have difficulty getting to sleep or staying asleep at night? If so, then you are most likely very stressed. Especially if your sleepless nights are filled with dreams or thoughts relating to your business. 

This is perhaps the most common way that stress can manifest itself for business owners. Your head is full of thoughts and worries, so you can’t go to sleep. Naturally, a lack of sleep is bad for your overall health and can make you lose focus. So, you end up more stressed because you can’t be as productive as you want to be at work. Clearly, you have to work on tackling the stress to restore your sleeping pattern. 

You’re grinding your teeth

Take a second to almost step back from your life and think about your teeth. Are you grinding them all the time? It will amaze you how aware of this you become after you’ve been asked the question. You’ll soon realize that you’ve actually been grinding your teeth while reading this post right now! The more you think about it, the more you recognize that you grind your teeth through most of the day. 

This is a key sign of stress as you’re doing it involuntarily, and it can be a big problem for your teeth. You grind them down, meaning you may need to see a dentist for some restorations. You could also get a mouthguard to stop you from grinding your teeth, but the best solution is to recognize this is a form of stress. If you de-stress yourself, the grinding should stop.

Your mind keeps wandering

What this means is that you often find yourself staring off into space when you should be doing something else. Perhaps you’re at a set of lights in your car and you’re looking off into the distance thinking about work. It’s not until you hear the angry yells and horns of the cars behind you that you realize you’ve drifted off into a daydream. Likewise, you might be at home and your partner is talking to you but you aren’t listening to a thing they’re saying because you’re staring off into space again. 

Needless to say, this can be dangerous and bad for your personal relationships. You can’t afford to let yourself wander like this when you should be focused on other things. Again, it’s all down to stress as things are clearly playing on your mind. 

Everything boils down to one key solution: figure out how to destress. We have a previous post on how to handle stress as a business owner that’s worth looking at. It delivers some great tips to manage stress levels at work and learn how to relax. When you handle your stress levels, you should stop seeing these three signs in your daily life. 


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