Technical Factors That Destroy Your Digital Branding

Branding is the identity of your business. It reflects your values, your mission, and your personality. But there’s more to branding than meets the eyes. Branding experts are familiar with color psychology, choosing the right logo color to convey a message about the business. Indeed, there’s a reason why many brands displayed in offices are blue, such as hp, IBM, or Dell. Blue is a calming color that conveys reliability, aka exactly the partner you want in the office. So, you’ve got the logo, the color palette, the catchphrase, and the mission. Your brand is ready to take over the market! Except that good branding also needs smart tech factors that can support the brand online. Here are 4 avoidable technical elements that can ruin your digital image.


Good looking but lack of functionality website

As tempting as it is to add your favorite brand graphics to your website, you want to reach out to a website design company to keep your digital branding as functional as possible. When adding branding details to the site, too many websites accidentally break essential functions, such as responsiveness or a user-friendly navigation menu. Unfortunately, when the website doesn’t work as it should, visitors bounce off the page. From images that don’t scale on the screen to hiding the menu bar with a static banner, your digital branding can’t afford to make your website usable. 

People are done scrolling in a few seconds

Scrolling has become a natural behavior online. It’s such an integral part of digital interactions that most visitors judge a website’s professionalism by the amount of scrolling it requires. If you scroll too much, the site becomes worrisome. But if visitors barely need to scroll through your content, they are quick to judge your brand. Creating content increases your reputation and maximizes digital exposure for the business. Your scrollable and clickable content is judged many times by visitors: First in terms of quantity, as visitors record the volume of clicks and scrolling required, and a second time in terms of quality as people read the content. No scrolling means the brand has got nothing to say.

The 404 of doom

Nobody likes a 4xx error. The most frequently seen is the 404, which indicates that the page visitors try to reach no longer exist. 403 error is another common code, indicating that a page whose link is clickable for the visitor contains forbidden access. These errors damage the reputation of the brand. They make the brand appear inconsiderate about its audience. That’s precisely why you want to make sure you can fix all 4xx errors. They are frustrating for visitors, costing your customers and ranking position in the long term.

Read all the notification popups

Have you ever reached a website where you need to click your way through multiple popup notifications before you’re finally allowed to read the content? Popups are frustrating. They interfere with visitors’ digital experience. From cookie information to signing up to the newsletter, popups only manage to drive people away from your site. 


In conclusion, it’s worth assessing your digital branding experience. Does the brand appear and behave online just like you wanted to? Interruptions, lack of content, and ineffective functions can not only frustrate visitors. They also destroy your online presence.


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