Tips to Help Your Employees Perfect Their Work/Life Balance

Life can be hectic, especially for individuals holding down a 9 to 5. With the world moving at a thousand miles an hour, it’s hard for employees to maintain and keep a healthy work/life balance. However, employees who are supported and encouraged by their workplace to have a life outside of work, to unwind and de-stress, are almost always more productive in the office. There are a few simple tips and tricks that you can implement in your business that will encourage your employees to find the effective work/life sweet spot.

Make Sure The Work/Life Balance is Spoken About

It can be easy for fear to cultivate in the workplace when employees feel scared to bring up issues that they think might make them look incapable. It is best to set an example where employees can speak up when they feel they are overworked or stressed. It is a good idea to speak openly about your workload when it feels heavy and be transparent with how you share tasks to dial down the amount of work you have. This will set a great example to your employees of how they can lean on their colleagues for support at hectic times, so their work doesn’t take over their lives.


Give Your Employees Some Perks That Might Take a Little Bit of Stress Off Their Finances

There are some unavoidable expenses in life that we simply cannot help. An example of this is realizing you need glasses. So why not lessen some of the financial pressure from your employee’s finances and treat them to some money off at the ophthalmologist? Or a little dental care? Or money off a gym membership? These perks can help ease some of their financial woes and encourage them to take care of themselves holistically.

Introduce Techniques to Help With Stress 

Normalizing healthy coping mechanisms is an essential factor to introduce when optimizing work/life balance in the office or from home. Meditation is a great way to help employees cope with stress and feel relaxed in the workplace. An idea to introduce this technique is to try a meditation workshop at lunchtime or after work. Remember, setting a good example is imperative, so make sure you actively participate here if you are the boss. An example of a great, quick meditation can be found on YouTube.

Cap Working Hours at Stressful Periods

There are always times in the workplace when it is going to be extremely busy. Introducing a cap on work hours, or being flexible, can help employees not accidentally over-work themselves, or at least recognize the signs that they might be spending too much time at work and not enough time de-stressing. In addition, this makes sure they have enough time to spend with their loved ones or their admin.

All of the above tips will help ensure your employees stay healthy, both in mind and body, and fighting fit to tackle their workload.


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