How to Retain More Customers


One of the key puzzles to crack when you run your own business is how you can keep the customers you’ve attracted in the first place. 

You are around 70 percent likely to sell something else to an existing customer, and only have a between 5 and 20 percent chance of selling to someone new, so it’s easy to see why it really is so important that, once you have a customer, you keep them, But how exactly do you do that? Here are some ideas:

Set up an email list

If you don’t already have an email list, you need to get one. Once a customer has signed up to your email list, you will have endless opportunities to target your stuff at them, again and again, direct to their inbox, although as SunCity Advising digital marketing will tell you, you should not go overboard with your email marketing efforts as that can often backfire, annoy your customers and give you a reputation for being a scammer. It’s all about finding the right balance.

Offer them something more

If you want a customer to stay loyal to you, then you need to offer them something, Sure, your products and services may be great, but unless you have no decent competition at all, that’s not going to be enough to keep them coming back for more, or for more conversions generally. That means you need to set up some sort of loyalty scheme or arrange to have regular discount codes sent out to everyone on your email list, for example. These little sweeteners will be just enough to convince the customer that you care and that there is reason to make a purchase with you again and your customer retention rates will improve significantly as a result.

Engage with them

These days, most people do not want to deal with nameless, faceless corporations. They want to know that the products and services they are buying are part of something. They want to know who you are what you think and why you run the business you do. They want to interact with you on a more human level and feel comfortable about spending their money with you. That’s why you absolutely need to engage with your customers on social media and anywhere else they may be accessible to you.

Understand them

Of course, in order to keep customers, and certainly in order to engage with them effectively, you really need to know who they are and how they think. If you don’t know what your target demographic is, what kind of products and services they prefer, or even what their favorite colors are, and marketing efforts you make will be much less effective than you would like.

Retaining customers will save you time and money, but you do need to put the effort in to keep your existing customers on board. The above actions will help with that, but things change all the time, so you cannot afford to get complacent! Keep your fingers on the pulse and you will do just fine.


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