How Companies Can Make Their Hiring Processes Less Frustrating


Companies are quickly starting to consider, in the time of Covid-19, everything they have been getting wrong in past years. Before, remote working was seen as a luxury, now it’s seen as a standard. However, one thing hasn’t changed in its odious application, and that’s hiring. Companies looking for the best candidates often find themselves in a bind. Do they present themselves as willing to learn, or perfect and the strongest candidate to hire already? How do they present themselves? 

Furthermore, why does it all feel so artificial? Applying for a job is not something you should feel guilty for, every candidate should be able to put forward their best selves and be judged on their merits, not on how well they shook hands or how witty they were in the interview. So, while it’s on candidates to find the jobs they wish to apply for and to curate themselves accordingly, companies can also make positive headway here. But how should they begin? It can be hard to decide.

Luckily, with some of the following advice, you’ll no doubt understand how this can be:

Reduce Biases

It’s important to reduce biases, to the extent that you can. This will naturally lead to more diversity within your management structure, but not just of race, of ideas, of peoples, of genders, of everything. One of the steps you can take is to remove the names, genders and races of those applying to your firm. Then, only their experience and qualifications will speak to you. That will naturally lead to a relatively equal balance of people, as you will have reduced any biases at all, if they exist in the first place.

Streamline The Onboarding Process

Streamlining onboarding is important. HRIS systems understand that the hiring process is made from several stages, but those stages can be improved. From being able to send in resumes to how the contact forms work to how the interview stages go, and ultimately, how hired staff are indoctrinated into your systems must be clear, easy-to-grapple with, and also managed well in the time of Covid. Remote interview options may be one utility, for example.

Fully Describe The Job & What It Entails

It’s important to properly describe the job to those applying. Some companies can seem evasive, or hide the potential salary, or aren’t open to negotiations until later on. It’s hard to know what purpose this serves for bringing great staff into the fold. If you wish for good staff, give them the chance to shine. Show them their responsibilities. Help them know what a day in life may be like. Show them where they’re liable to work.

This not only helps a potential candidate understand if the job is right for them, but it helps them more adequately understand what you want from them. It’s 2020 - this kind of approach should be considered standard.

With this approach, we hope you can more easily make your hiring process less frustrating. Your candidates deserve nothing less.

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