Start Up Cost As A Small Business

Starting your own small business is an exciting journey and one you should not be scared of. There will be ups and downs with plenty of stress along the way, but the pros will always outweigh the cons. To reduce some of the stress, put a plan together and a document that will list all the costs so that they do not come out as a shock. This will also give you a rough idea of what your breakeven point is and how much you will need to earn monthly. Below we have put together four costs for you to think about when starting your small business.


Your Website 

Depending on the type of small business that you are going to start, will depend on the budget you set aside for your website. Websites can vary in costs for $150 all the way to tens of thousands of pounds. As a small business owner, chances are you will be at the small end of the scale. When planning your website make sure you get multiple quotes and ask to see a portfolio before selecting your designer. If you need a really simple site, you could build your own using a site like WIX or Squarespace. 

How well your website is designed will become even more important when the anticipated Google updates roll out in June 2021. As the changes are made, so will the criteria on which your website will change too. No longer do you need to focus on the use of keywords alone, the functionality of your site, load time, speed and how well your site answers the search query will all factor in how you rank. Cobiro can help your business reach the right people with a well-designed website.

Accounts Software 

Cashflow is extremely important for any business, especially a small business. Knowing how you are spending your money and being able to keep track of it could be the difference between success and failure. This all costs but it is an important outgoing that will make your journey as a small business owner that little bit easier. If you have employees, you should look into some payroll services as this can save you time and allow you to then focus on other areas of the business. 


What is your logo going to look like? What are your brand colors? Will you need business cards? What marketing materials do you require? These are all the sort of questions you should be asking yourself when setting up your small business. Depending on your requirements, you can budget a lot for these, or less if it’s not as important. You could always look for a freelancer who will be able to look after all your branding but not charge as much as an agency would. 

Office Space 

As a small business owner, you’ll need to decide where your office is going to be based or whether you need one altogether. Office costs can vary depending on location, size as well as many other factors. It may be that you can use your property as office space until you outgrow it and need to move into a bigger office. If you are going to require some employees then an office space may be a must, unless you let them work from home.  

The initial cost of starting a business can seem a lot but once you are up and running, they are a thing of the past and with the success, your business will bring, you will not need to worry about them. 

Have you started your own business? What tips do you think will help people who are looking to start up their own business? Let me know in the comment box below.  

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