How To Make Your Employees Feel Valued

Making your employees feel as though they are valued is an important part of being a good boss. When employees feel as though they are valued, they are much more likely to remain loyal to the organization. Higher levels of job satisfaction will lead to improved performance and reduced turnover. As an employer, you need to make your staff feel valued. But how you can do this?


  1. Recognition. The simplest way to make your employees feel valued is to provide them with the recognition that they deserve. Recognition can be done in different ways, as long as it’s happening. You can give recognition one-on-one, in a group, or through raises and bonuses. Give it in small ways on a daily basis, and in bigger ways less often. 

  2. Benefits. Benefits outside of the salary can make employees feel valued. You can offer health care schemes, discount schemes with neighbouring businesses, or gym memberships. Offer thoughtful extras too. For example, if your employees get can get a discounted gym membership through you, have custom shaker cups made for protein shakes to help them out. If you’re cutting back on plastic use in the office, give them water bottles to use instead of disposable plastic cups. 

  3. Feedback. Feedback is a part of recognition. Giving your team lots of positive feedback, more than you give negative feedback, will help them to know that you appreciate their hard work. Positive feedback can also help to make someone more receptive when you do need to give constructive advice because they know their work is valued, not just criticized. 

  4. Get their opinion. Make use of the opinions that they give you. Ask them about the work, but also about the job itself. Ask them what is good and bad about their job, and take on board how things can be improved. 

  5. Communicate well. You should be communicating frequently. Make sure you keep your employees in the loop on what is happening in your organization. If you keep things transparent, your staff will feel that you trust them and that you value them as an important part of the company. If you don’t keep them in the loop, they will feel as though they aren’t part of things. 

  6. Provide ways for other employees to give praise and recognition. This can help you see effort from members of your team that you might not have been aware of yourself, so you can reward it. It also helps to foster strong working relationships, helping your team to appreciate those they work with. 

  7. Give work that gives the right level of challenge. This shows your team that you trust their capabilities and gives the room to improve and grow. Give your team increasing levels of responsibility to let them grow and develop. You should also make sure to find out their career goals. You can then work with them to determine the steps needed to help them get there, within your company. Help them to progress in their careers to keep their talent with you. 

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