Will Kanye West be America's Next President?

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2020 has been a whirlwind of a year to say the least. We’ve experienced Kobe Bryant’s tragic death, Australian fires, a global pandemic, one of the largest movements in history (BLM), and now…Kanye West has decided to run for President. I wish I could say it’s for a different country, but no, the United States is facing yet another curve ball.

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West announced his run for office through a tweet posted on July 4th. Yes, he really announced his run for President through a tweet. Interestingly enough, he hasn’t pulled through on the guidelines needed to actually run for President. He has missed the deadline to file as an independent candidate in many states, he has no political campaign or platform, and still has to get enough signatures to actually make it on the 2020 Presidential Ballot.

As you could have already guessed, many of his fans have shown full support, including Elon Musk. West has been teasing his run for presidency for years, but could this all be for a publicity stunt? He does have a new album coming out named, “God’s Country”. It wouldn’t be the first time West has used politics to gain support for his latest project.

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The Kardashians and Mr. West, as entertaining as they may be, have no reason for entering the oval office. The Yeezy designer has made an empire in his fashion and music, but his political agenda is better off a dream rather than a reality!

Report: Kaitlin Gallagher


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