"If you are planning a trip to England or about to study abroad in London, the following must-have items may come in handy!" - Aliza M. 

Everyone travels and explores a new location in their own way, but practical advice from someone that has “been there and done that” is always worth considering. If you are planning a trip to England or about to study abroad in London, the following must-have items may come in handy!

A Good Rain Jacket

Depending on where you’re from, you may not be used to constant rain. Well, in London there is always a chance of rain! Carrying around an umbrella can be bulky and annoying, so I recommend a rain jacket as your best bet. I studied abroad in London during early summer, and a rain jacket was totally necessary.

Believe me, you won’t regret the convenience of a rain jacket when you are caught in a sudden rain shower as you are out and about exploring this amazing city. Find a rain jacket in a style that you like that can be carried or easily stashed away when you don’t need it. I found one that I was able to put in my backpack or purse when I didn’t need it, and trust me, it was the best thing ever to have that on hand to pull out in a sudden downpour.

An Oyster Card

This probably sounds super weird to someone that hasn’t visited London, but an Oyster card is a pass to ride the tube (what they call the subway in London). You may be given one by AIFS depending on your program — if not, absolutely buy one.

The tube is the main form of transportation in London and is very convenient. The class I took included many museum visits, and the easiest way to travel to and from museums was by way of the tube.

Also, all the fun tourist destinations you’ll want to see are only a tube stop away. On the weekends, we would take the Piccadilly Line down to Covent Garden to shop and eat. You could also hop on another line and go to Camden, which is a great place to grab a bite and hang out.

Pocket Change

Make sure to keep your change. Bathrooms in London are not always free (usually under 1 euro), so keep your spare change in case you need to run to the restroom. Also, never pass up a free restroom. It may seem like a strange suggestion now, but when you’re up and on the go, you never know when you’ll run into a bathroom next.

Also, they don’t use dollar bills in England. The one-pound currency is a coin, so you can expect to carry around a lot of change. I strongly advise carrying a wallet or purse for pocket change, so you’ll always have coins when you need them.

A Good Camera

London is a beautiful city, and you never know when you might want to snap a shot. I’m sure most people have smartphones so this is not a huge issue, but if you have a digital camera, I would advise you bring it.

I personally brought along a Polaroid camera, and the shots came out amazing. Pictures are a great way to share what you’re doing with family and friends back home, and you’ll love looking back at photos from your time abroad to reminisce in the future.

Plenty of Patience

While this is obviously an English speaking country, there are many differences between the way English people and Americans speak and communicate with each other. Although you may have been speaking English all of your life, it might not be as easy as you’re expecting to make yourself understood as an American in London.

You shouldn’t hesitate to get out and speak to Londoners to learn about the city and make new friends, but remember to be patient when you encounter travel frustrations. If you stay relaxed and friendly, you’ll find it easier to make the most out of your visit!

Credits: Aliza M., Access Public Relations Intern

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"With just two days in Paris, I was determined to knock out all the best sites. Here’s how to conquer Paris in 48 hours." - Aliza M.

During my study abroad experience, we were constantly moving around and would only stay in each city in a few days. With just two days in Paris, I was determined to knock out all the best sites. Here’s how to conquer Paris in 48 hours.

Day One: Notre Dame, Versailles, and the Eiffel Tower

In the morning we headed to Notre Dame. This building is absolutely stunning, and the best part? Free entry. The line may look daunting but it moves quickly and is totally worth the wait. Plus, a great way to make time go quicker while you’re in line is to grab a crepe to eat while you wait. For you “Hunchback of Notre Dame” fans, you can finally fulfill your childhood dream of seeing where Quasimodo lives! After basking in the glory of Notre Dame, we hit up one of the many cafés around the church and grabbed a quick lunch (I suggest a croque-monsieur).

After lunch, we headed to the RER, the above-ground train, to head to Versailles. The train costs about seven euros for the round trip and the ride is about 20 minutes. There are very detailed maps in the station so you know which train to get on and Versailles is the last stop. If you want to tour the palace at Versailles, plan on spending another 15 euros. But, the garden at Versailles is free entry. I paid to tour the palace and it was absolutely breathtaking, but if you are trying to save money, there is plenty to do in just the gardens. We spent the rest of our afternoon touring around Versailles until it closes around 6:00 PM.

We then headed back into the heart of Paris for our last stop of the day, the iconic Eiffel Tower. In front of the Eiffel tower is a large field where you can sit, eat, drink and watch the tower light up at night. We stopped at a grocery store, grabbed some food and set up camp to watch the show. Starting at ten o’clock, the tower sparkles for five minutes and it looks gorgeous. It repeats this every hour until midnight.

Day Two: The Louvre and The Arc de Triomphe

The next morning we headed to The Louvre, the world’s largest museum. The cost of the visit was included in our program costs, but tickets are typically around 15 euros. This museum is huge and you can spend hours upon hours there. The most famous painting in this museum though is easily The Mona Lisa. You have to wait a few minutes to get to the front but it’s totally worth it.

The last big Paris icon is the Arc de Triumph. Due to time restrictions we could not make it to see this landmark, but if you have time left after The Louvre, it is just a short metro ride away. It is located in the center of the Place Charles de Gaulle and is at the end of the Champs-Elyees. The Arc honors those who have fought and died in the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars. Under the arc is the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier from World War I.

There is obviously so much else to see in Paris, but when you only have 48 hours you have to make the best of it! If you have more time, you can check out the many other museums, cafés and shopping areas, but if you only have a short period of time, I suggest these five places. This guide should hopefully be helpful if you are studying abroad in another city and just want to head over to Paris for the weekend. Happy travels!

Credits: Aliza McAndrews, Access PR Intern

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Editor's Notes - NYFW SS17

A few of our Creative Directors personal tips that she use to get through all fashion weeks.

So it's here! We do this twice a year, sometimes more. Yet, fashion week never seems to lose it's touch. I won't relive the madness this time. Just decided to share a few tips that I use to keep myself organized during the week. If you're attending fashion week for the first time or as another page in the book, I'm sure my suggestions could help.

And as always I've shared a few of the pieces I'm packing for the week. A few will be custom made and aren't listed, keep a look out for those on social media. The pieces are scattered throughout this pieces, in no orders, check for the completed looks later.

Note #1

Pen & Paper aren't dead. The convenience of an iphone can't be beat, I won't even argue that. But writing your free thoughts down in a journal between shows, will bring out the best of your ideas. Don't ask me how I know this, just trust me it works! Still take some organized notes in a more modern way, but keep a journal handy incase.

Note #2

Business cards & social media handles; it's 2016, get both. Networking is something that you can't avoid and unless you're overly comfortable with your current career status, it's something that you won't want to avoid. You'll have your business cards ready to go, but this time when you're wrapping up your networking pitch, ask for that social media handle. Here's why: connecting with someone immediately will make the next time you have to revisit that networking moment so much simpler. Over time you will have built a relationship from social media interaction, now your re-introduction over email should be well received. If they're a frequent social media user, you'll also be up to date with their current projects, making speaking points and collaborations a lot easier as well. Even if they are a private person, they'll have platform for public use.


Here's a chance to show your multitasking skills. Live tweets can only take you up. I'm not one for flooding Instagram feeds, unless you're certain the images will break the internet. But flooding my TL with tweets from a great event is something I'll always love. While you're at various show, tweet your thoughts as they happen. Readers always love insiders viewpoints and guest images that aren't so staged as major publication images sometimes are. You'll find that more readers may gravitate in anticipation of your next event and honest view points. If your event allows and you have time, consider Periscope for one extra step in live feeds. Seeing a live stream has become a great tool for many this year.

Note #4

Save battery power. If you're like me and attend all day events regularly, you know how important electronic's battery power can become. Most times, having my mophie fully charged with me does the trick. To get the most of my original charge, I make sure to change my apple products battery power to power save mode, even when they're fully charged. I know I check my most important apps on a regular schedule, so there's no reason for my phone to continue pushing for that last email. It also stops my phone from wasting power on apps that won't be used at all that day. Another tip to conserve battery power is to close out apps that aren't being used. It's easy to forget you have multiple apps open on apple products. Just double tap the home button and close out whatever isn't being used. (Sorry Android users, I have no idea how batteries work on those.)

Note #5

Connect on the scene. You'll meet tons of influencers and industry professionals during the week. (No avoiding networking) We spoke about exchanging contact information, but if you really have to chance to speak with someone during the event, see if they have anytime to grab a quick cup of coffee. You'll have a chance to pick their brain for more about their background and work. Making a connection on the spot is always the best option.

If you have any tips that keep you together during fashion week, share them in the comments below or email!

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Travel Diaries: Summers in India

Travel Diaries. Our intern, Megana shares stories about her trip to India.

24 hours In...

Within the first 24 hours of landing, my parents told me that they had decided to throw a 25th Anniversary Party the night after I landed. Being exhausted and jet lagged, I was not too happy about this. The only plus side of this was that I got to go shopping the next day and get an outfit for the party. The other plus was that since my Dad has between 50-100 first cousins, the amount of relatives I have is…just too many. This party would allow everyone to convene in one spot therefore making it easier to meet everyone in one night. This is me and my sister at the beginning of the night awaiting the arrival of all of ours cousins. 

Detoxing with Momma…

The heat and muggy weather in India plus the non-stop Monsoon season does nothing beneficial for your skin and hair in India. Lucky for me, my grandmother is a wiz at making natural face masks and detox teas to keep that digestive system in check. Every morning after eating breakfast, she would mix turmeric, flour, rose petals, milk and water to make a soothing face mask. After about 20 minutes you scrub the mask off so that all the baby hairs are taken off your face, and you are left with a beautiful glowing face. While sitting outside waiting for our facemasks to dry, my mom and I would sit outside and drink a mixture of warm water, honey and lemon. Sitting outside with my mom while watching the cows walk by is quality time that I will always cherish. 

Reliving the past…

While planning for my grandparent’s party, we decided that we needed to make a slideshow of all the old pictures of their many years together. While going through all the albums with my mother and grandmother, I came across this beautiful gem. This was the first time I had seen a color photo of my parents wedding. It was definitely a treat to be able to see where I came from and the beautiful Indian ceremony they had. Seeing this only made me more excited for the day when I get to be an Indian bride. 

Mid-morning snacks…

One of the perks of visiting India is that you get to eat an absurd amount of Indian food and no one can say anything about it to you. People there typically feed you till you’re about to vomit. One morning I was just dying for one of my favorite snacks, which is called, Pani Puri. If you haven’t heard of this before, it’s a thin little fried ball that is completely hollow. You poke a hole in it then fill it with various ingredients such as chickpeas and onions. After that, you pour the pani, or spicy water, in to soak it and then quickly stick it in your mouth! Your mouth gets completely consumed by spice and taste followed by a nice crunch. This is a snack you should never miss if you visit India. 

A sight to be seen…

On a bright but cloudy day, my mom decided to take me, my sister and my boyfriend, who surprised me by coming to Hyderabad, to the Birla Mandir. These temples are located all around India and are completely white. This temple was placed on top of a mountain peak, so the drive up took awhile. We weren’t allowed to take cameras or phones inside so I wasn’t able to capture the view from up top, only a photo from the parking lot. But may I say the view from the top was absolutely breathtaking. You could see the river and all the houses spread out throughout Hyderabad city. The best was the cool breeze that left you feeling amazing. The temple itself was beautiful on the inside and out. It was filled with many deities next to amazing views from the top. If you ever have the chance to visit India, visit a Birla Mandir Temple. 

Last Minute Fittings…

Due to my late arrival and quick departure, I had a limited amount of time to find the perfect outfit for my grandparents 50th Anniversary party. We ended up going to my favorite tailor to figure out if she could stitch a ghaghra (Indian skirt and top) for me, and we ended up finding the perfect cotton candy pink one that was made for an exhibition. All it needed was to be opened up a little, and then it would fit perfectly. This picture shows a last minute fitting at 10 p.m. the night before the big bash. 

Typically in India, most clothing is handmade by tailors all around India. They have workers that stitch beautifully and do intricate work with beads and thread. This tailor in particular has a knack for making outfits that are perfectly fitting and flatter your body. There is no doubt that this is the woman I want making my wedding outfits. 

Blood is thicker than water…

My dad always told me his favorite quote is “Blood is thicker than water,” meaning that family bonds will always be stronger than any other bond we have with friends or anyone else in the world. Family is the reason I visit India at the end of the day. Yes the clothes are beautiful and the food is delicious, but my grandparents are the number one reason for me to be here. I only ever get to see them every 2-3 years, so having the opportunity to take time off of my internship and visit them was something I will always be thankful for. This photo represents my mom’s side of the family, minus her older brother’s entire family, but it overall represents all the love we have for each other and all the laughter that fills the house. If I had the chance to see them every year, I would never pass that up. I must say that the saddest part of leaving India is having to say bye to my grandparents. At this old age, you never know what is going to happen, and being so far away only makes it more difficult. While leaving for the airport I tried to hold back the tears as I gave them hugs and they said “I love you megu, I miss you.” That’s why I will always be thankful for them and everything they have given me. I will always love and miss you Amamma, Nanama, and Thatha. 

Credits: Megana (@anagem12), Access Intern

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Editor's Notes No.3 - 48 Hours in Boston

We're headed to "The City on a Hill". Spend 48 hours in Boston with us.

First time in Boston, MA. A quick little getaway. Originally, I was just tagging along on one of my mum's business trips, I haven't seen any family since Christmas. (Time to recalibrate my priorities.) But of course I found a way to turn a vacation into work, I scheduled a few meetings with local interior designers. I'm hoping they can shed a little light onto my design theme for Access by NKC's upcoming pop-up shop. I'm really pushing the team to come up with the most chic yet cost efficient decor. We might have to put in extra work, but I'm positive the unique, hand-crafted setting will leaving a lasting impression on guests.

- NKC, Creative Director

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The weather in April is always so strange, but this year it's crazy! The temperature is so cold, mixed with the rain - it's almost unbearable. (It snowed in Philadelphia yesterday!) Unfortunately, my looks aren't very reflective of early Spring, but I'm headed up north so I had to bundle up. Regardless, the looks are still very simple & cute; perfect for a carry-on size bag.

Shop my looks for the next 48 hours below: 

ASOS Suede Shearling Coat in 70's Styling - $291 / Ralph Lauren Brown Boswell Classic Tote - $200 / Forever 21 Hooded Side-Zip Dress - $35 / Ego UK Ivy Over the Knee Black Faux Suede Boots - $75 / Burberry Blue Exploded Check Cotton Flannel Shirt - $350 / Reebok FuryLite Cheetah Print Running Shoes - $75 / Go Jane Double Scoop Sleeveless Jumpsuit - $20 / Crea Concept Black Cropped Asymmetric Jumper - $79

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Editor's Notes No.2 Recap: 6 Days in South Beach

Viva la Miami! I'm back with photos to share! Take a look!

Back from Miami! If you read my last set of notes, you know my goal was to put work on hold for once and enjoy myself. Mission accomplished...sort of. I succeeded with putting work on hold until the last day, at that point my email inbox was getting out of control. So I answered a few emails, that's it and that's all. That's not what this post is about though, I wanted to share some of the amazing photos I captured while living the life in South Beach. The vibrance of Miami really is like no other, you can feel the latin infusion in all most every photo. From the live music to the Cuban food, Miami is like a little piece of heaven. Enjoy. xx.

Let's chat! Share any thoughts, comments, or questions:

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The Editor's Notes: No.1

The first of many. Our creative director, NKC, debuts here series of notes. Check-in occasionally to get an inside look at her thoughts on life, fashion, travel and more.

Some of you may know me, some may not. That's expected. Here's my background.

Naomi. (NKC). 22. Lifestyle Branding. Creative Director of Access by NKC. Travel Obsessed.

I struggled with the thought of creating this portion of our blog. Normally as a creative director, I secretly flourish on hiding behind the scenes. I like to know that I can openly create without the stigma or the scrutiny placed the actual creative versus attention to the work. Access by NKC being my personal obsession, I started off wanting to keep all my focus on the newly launched company. But at last, here I am, beginning to document the various stories of my life. I'll do my best to keep my thoughts pure and transparent. I'm excited to finally meet my readers on a different level. Enjoy. NKC. xx 

It's the week before I take off to Houston and it's literally dragging on! I'm beyond ready to feel some sun on my skin. I wanted to share a few things I'll be bringing along with me. (A few items might look out of place for the season, but the weather can be weird around these times, I would hate to be caught off guard.) Be sure to follow my travels on instagram: @accessbynkc. Shop my trip below:

Wolford Strong Control Opaque Slip Dress $272/Missguided Jeweled Heeled Sandals $50/Topshop 'Planet' Genuine Shearling Clutch $95/Go Jane Back To Basics Rib Knit Bodysuit $18/B-LOW THE BELT Bri Bri Belt $148/Forever 21 Buttoned Denim Pencil Skirt $15.90/Missguided Sheer Top High Neck Jumpsuit $59/Missguided Woven Gladiator Heeled Sandals Snake $60/Banana Republic Larkin Tote $199/Forever 21 You Are What You Wear Dress $17.90/COMME DES GARÇONS PLAY Heart-Print Pro Sneakers $140/American Apparel Print Cotton Spandex Sleeveless Thong Bodysuit $36/Nasty Gal Shake Down Fringe Jacket $68/Zara Leather Jacket $189/Zara Jacquard Knits Co-ords $65

Read about my time at New York Fashion Week 2016. Interviewed by the lovely Hannah Tucker, AMCONYC Fashion Shows, behind the scenes with Walk Fashion and more!

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Travel Diaries: The Row NYC

Find out about The Row NYC and our stay during New York Fashion Week!


With all the madness during New York Fashion Week, we managed to slip sleep into our schedule! During our stay in the city, we took up temporary residence at The Row NYC. The Row NYC is conveniently located in the heart of Times Square, sitting on W 44th St & 8th Ave. Upon arrival we were amazed to see such a grand entrance, the main lobby of the hotel is elevated, promoting guest to travel by elevator or stairs to begin the check in process. We quickly learned that this was a innovative hotel, up to date with the latest technology. Most notable, the lobby contained a full Mac Desktop Lounge, while elevators were organized by punching your floor number into a keypad and in return your were prompted with a elevator (A-H)  to wait next to; taking you to your exact floor, no stops in between. (see photo is gallery)

The rooms were quite cozy (very common if you're familiar with New York hotel rooms), rooms included a low bed, with a desk area, multiple outlets throughout the room (perfect for a blogger) and a bathroom hidden behind a barn-style door. Our favorite accent in the room was the one wall displaying a vibrant color and quirky phrase, our's was "Light Out Please"!

Now to the good stuff! FOOD! The Row is located near almost anything you could think you would need in the city; food, bars, shopping, drug store, Broadway, etc. But in the dead of a New York winter we would rather not go outside if we didn't need to and City Kitchen saved the day. City Kitchen is a food-court style eatery featuring a wide variety of cultural cuisine. From Luke's Lobster Rolls to Donut's massive gourmet donuts, City Kitchen is show to have something you're in the mood for. The Row NYC also featured a state of the art gym and full service beauty shop for any last minute needs.

All in all, we can say The Row NYC definitely made our week at New York Fashion Week that much easier. If you're in the city, be sure to give them a try! 


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