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Natural Hair Care While Quarantined

Caring for natural hair is already a full time job. And now when make regular trips to the salon isn’t possible it may feel impossible to do our hair. After struggling to find the ideal routine for my hair I have gathered tips and tricks to better allow me to manage and treat my hair while staying home.

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As a natural girl, something I have been struggling with throughout the quarantine is ways of caring for my hair. I couldn’t decide what routine would be best at preserving my curls even if I had nowhere to go. Many women like myself were forced to learn to style and treat their natural hair without regular trips to the salon. I went on a search to see what other natural girls were going through during this time and found some great advice from natural hair professionals. After struggling for a long couple of months have gathered some tips and trick in getting the most out of natural hair while still in quarantine.

Firstly and most importantly let your hair breathe. This is a phrase natural girls use a lot. Usually referring to the one or two day period before we go into the salon for our next style. Now is the perfect time to just allow your natural hair to be free. Instead of trying to force your hair into styles that might cause stress and breakage. Although our hair is technically protected in our “protective styles”, they can still cause damage or breakage due to constant manipulation.

One thing I noticed that if I don’t have to go outside I tend to neglect my hair. Leaving it in top knots or pony tails until my hair is to knotted to move. Do not do this! During this “breathing period” focus on bringing moisture to your hair. Use these extended periods at home to try DIY hair treatments and figure out what works best for your hair.

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Try styles that require less effort and cause less stress to your hair. Styles like braid and twist outs have been my favorite. I have even been rocking the “Pop Smoke” braids just so I can make sure I keep my scalp moisturized and simulated in between washes. I learned from researching at-home hair treatments to get into the habit of misting your hair, the same way you would a plant. This helps restore moisture and allows you to better manipulate or add product. And when all else fails, a satin scarf can be used in many styles that are not only fashionable but a great way to to protect your hair when it gets near the time to restyle.

Photo Credit: @the_africanunicorn

Report: Lauren Tucker

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