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Celebrity Politician

President Ye?

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Over this past week, rapper Kanye West announced on Twitter that he is running for President in the upcoming 2020 election.

West has been seen mingling with President Trump making his stance on certain matters known for some time now. He has continued to show his public support for the President while wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat.

Kanye West is the latest among a list of celebrities who have claimed to be running for President in the last few years. Others who have previously announced or discussed the possibility of running are Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Chris Rock, Ron Perlman, Katy Perry, and Paris Hilton.

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Since Donald Trump went from his television show “The Apprentice” to President without any legitimate political background, this is now a trend. While it's important for all celebrities and major social influencers to show support and embrace a better world and justice, it's also important to have the best possible candidate for the job. Many celebrities with their famous status and their stance on justice assume that they automatically qualify, but it takes more than that.

There is a big difference between President Trump’s agenda and former President Obama’s agenda. Trump has used the advantage of his “MAGA” supporters, taking pride in racial superiority. This presidency is one that is putting this country in reverse of the direction it needs to be in as time evolves.

Former President Obama, as an African American, embraced all people and provided opportunities for the people of color who needed everyday resources that in any other time would be unthinkable. Obama used his presidency to push the country forward into a better world.

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Although Kanye West has claimed he is not in support of President Trump as he plans to run for President, his continued public support for Trump says otherwise. While Kanye is Black, he wouldn’t stand for the black voters. The right candidate has to be one who is for keeping a stable country and making necessary changes to end the daily injustices of the nation. A candidate with a background in politics and a sense of community is a necessity.

The fate of the United States should not rest on Hollywood’s A-list. A celebrity isn’t necessarily presidential material. Showing support, making donations, and getting involved in the community isn’t the same as running a country.

Photo Credit:

Report: Josephine Coiscou

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