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3 Changes You Can Make To Your Home Before 2021

2021 is fast approaching. As a result, the world seems to be breathing a collective sigh of relief as we can finally say goodbye to 2020 and start anew. Here’s a few changes you can make to your home.

2021 is fast approaching. As a result, the world seems to be breathing a collective sigh of relief as we can finally say goodbye to 2020 and start anew. However, you don't have to wait until January to start making changes - in fact, it's often better to get a head start on them. This is particularly true when it comes to making changes in your home. Here are three things you can do THIS MONTH that will have a significant change on not only your home but how you feel!


A deep clean

When we are busy, we often settle for 'light' home cleaning - this means we wash our dishes and brush the floors, but we often don't set aside the time to do a full clean. However, you'd be surprised about how different your home will look once you commit to one. Here are some things you should do: 

  • Brush and sweep floors

  • Organize your cupboards - throw away what you don't use

  • Remove clutter from surfaces

  • Reorganize your belongings 

  • Clean windows (interior and exterior)

  • Clean skirting boards

  • Clean your bathroom until it shines

  • Put curtains in the washing machine 

  • Clean your attic/basement

When you are doing a deep clean, you will also be able to check your home for any signs of damage, giving you insight onto any renovations you may need to do in the future. If you are planning any major renovations - ensure you know everything there is to know before your home. 

For example, if built before the 1980s, your pipes may be lined with asbestos - and you must proceed with caution. Asbestos exposure can lead to extreme sickness - and it is crucial you take care of yourself and those around you. If you get sick as a result of asbestos, ensure you contact mesothelioma attorneys who can help you receive compensation. 


Stick on wallpaper

You've probably spent more time in your home this year than ever before. As a result, you've likely got fed up with looking at the same four walls over and over again. Introduce some change into your home with vibrant, stick on wallpaper. As it can easily be peeled on and off, you aren't committing to a long term change - and can even choose seasonal patterns. There is a wide range of fantastic patterns on offer - not only can they add a splash of color to an otherwise dull room, but they also make an excellent background for selfies!

You can also use wallpaper to line your wardrobes and bookshelves for a sophisticated and unique finish.


Change your lighting 

Lighting can really change the way a room looks; therefore, getting some new lights can make a real difference to your home. If you want to maximize your space, opt for bright, white lighting that mimics natural light - this will make it look as though a room is bigger than it is. However, if you want a room to feel warm and cosy, opt for lights that are more golden in color.

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