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Should You Be An Engineer

A career in engineering is a good one to choose for some people. It pays well, there is a great sense of job satisfaction, it is interesting, and there are a lot of opportunities out there to work and progress.

A career in engineering is a good one to choose for some people. It pays well, there is a great sense of job satisfaction, it is interesting, and there are a lot of opportunities out there to work and progress. However, these reasons alone are not good enough ones to make engineering the right career for you; there are many other things to consider. If you are thinking about engineering, here are some of the reasons why it will work out well for you.

You’re Curious 

Some people have a natural curiosity about the world around them, and this can mean that they make excellent engineers. To be a good engineer in whichever sector (and there are dozens) you choose to specialize in, you need to have this innate sense of curiosity; you need to always be questioning and wondering why things are the way they are rather than simply accepting them. 


If you don’t want to know more about a subject, whether that is aviation, structures, the environment, water, medicine, or anything else, then you won’t enjoy being an engineer, as this is one of the core components of such a career. An engineer’s job is to delve deeper into their area of expertise and come up with solutions to problems using their knowledge and skills. If you want to do this and it excites you, engineering might just be the ideal career to get into. 


You Want To Be Proud Of Your Work 

In some careers, the work you do might be useful and important within the company itself, but that’s where it ends. In engineering, this is far from the case; what you do as an engineer will benefit many people in the wider world. Even if they never know it was you specifically who came up with the solution to the problem they were facing, they will still be grateful that it happened. 

As an engineer, you will always be able to be proud of the work you do. Whether you are working on new medical equipment, ensuring that a bridge is going to be safe and using the correct bridge deck to build it, or working out how to clean up the oceans and remove trash that has been thrown into it, whatever you do will make the world a better place, and that is a wonderful thing to know – not many careers offer this kind of chance to have such pride in your work. 


You Don’t Want To Be Bored 

There are some jobs that pay incredibly well, but that are so boring they make those doing them miserable; it’s the same old routine, day after day, with little to no variation. Although this can be perfect for some who don’t want to have to really think about – or care about – what they are doing, for others, it is anathema, and it would make them depressed and stressed. 

 Engineering is not one of those careers. Whether you choose to work for yourself and start your own business or you go into employment with someone else, no two days are going to be the same. This variety is what makes engineering such an exciting, refreshing, and even healthy career to have. You will always be using your skills, knowledge, and experience to come up with new and innovative solutions to whichever problems you are currently working to solve. 

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Op-ed Keyonna Butler Op-ed Keyonna Butler

Is Entrepreneurship Becoming a Toxic Culture?

For the last few years entrepreneurship has grown at a rapid speed as many Millennials and even Gen Zer’s are starting their own businesses and leaving the 9-5 jobs behind. Before starting your own business was a risk many didn’t want to make now in 2021 many are embracing that risk even during the pandemic as they leave their jobs to become their own bosses. With the success of many start up brands even in the last year, it's becoming more and more popular to become an entrepreneur but is this the life for everyone?


For the last few years entrepreneurship has grown at a rapid speed as many Millennials and even Gen Zer’s are starting their own businesses and leaving the 9-5 jobs behind. Before starting your own business was a risk many didn’t want to make now in 2021 many are embracing that risk even during the pandemic as they leave their jobs to become their own bosses. With the success of many start up brands even in the last year, it's becoming more and more popular to become an entrepreneur but is this the life for everyone? 

When you scroll down on social media you may see lots of people promoting their brands, telling you to buy their products or use their service. Instagram and other social media platforms have turned into a giant portfolio for people to showcase their work and talents. Of course it's nothing wrong with wanting to promote your brand but is there ever a time to separate yourself from your brand. For many people there is no separation. They work countless hours promoting, making sure they have all their inventory, constantly trying to build their brand and it starts to become a 24 hours commitment, literally. You may even hear people say “I sleep when I’m dead” or “use all of your time into your business”. Even P. Diddy has that famous quote, ”Sleep is forbidden. When I'm working, I'm a machine and I don't look at other people like they are human.” Is that really a healthy mindset to carry with us? Working non stop like a machine without any rest or self care will give you burnout or even something worse. You can’t run your business if you are not taking care of yourself and staying healthy mentally or physically.


Within entrepreneurship culture you always hear people brag about how much money they have or how successful they are but don’t let that fool you. Being an entrepreneur is hard work and may not be for you. It's nothing wrong with taking the path of working a 9-5 or being a part of a team. There is a lot of sweat, tears and time that takes being an entrepreneur and starting your own business. If starting your own business is something you want to do, take the proper steps, create a plan A, B and C and of course take your time. It can also help to find a mentor or an expert to guide you in the early stages of your business. You can call in help from consultants to help you be an entrepreneur in a healthier wayMost importantly, take care of yourself, of course your business will be important to you but always put yourself first. It’s ok to take that nap, have a lunch break or even go on vacation. At the end of the day you’re human and when you take care of yourself, you’re taking care of your business.

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How To Take the Next Steps In Your Career

Everyone reaches a stage in their career where they feel its time to do more. As easy or as enjoyable as your current role is, motivated and ambitious people aren’t satisfied merely with staying in the same place for the rest of their professional life.


Everyone reaches a stage in their career where they feel its time to do more. As easy or as enjoyable as your current role is, motivated and ambitious people aren’t satisfied merely with staying in the same place for the rest of their professional life. They want more. But it’s tricky to work out what that next step could be, and it’s even more challenging to figure out how to take it. 

Ask For More Responsibility

If you know you want to stay in your industry, then asking to take on more responsibility will start you on your path towards a more satisfying career. This will allow you to demonstrate you are management material, and you can get the chance to lead a team, carry out interviews, or head projects. You can also take this opportunity to learn more about the company, so you have a better overall understanding of how things work, which is something managers require. You cannot wait to be asked, though. Instead, be the one to initiate a conversation with your managers. 

Gain the Skills You Need

Gaining the skills you need to take the next step in your career will allow you to work on your confidence and competence in specific roles before making the step itself. You could undergo additional training at work, or you can look into further education. Obtaining a Master in Integrated Design Management is a popular way to become more qualified in your current role. Still, there is also a range of other possibilities available for you to enhance your education and obtain the tools to succeed in more significant roles. 

Embrace Networking

The idea of it’s not what you know but who you know is a cliche, but it’s a cliche for a reason. Your network can open up a wide range of opportunities for you, so don’t be afraid to meet people at business events or conventions to find out what possibilities await you. There may be senior staff from other firms in attendance looking for someone with your talents, and if you feel your chances of promotion at your current job are slim, then it’s worth entertaining their offer. 

Consider Different Options 

Sometimes a career just isn’t for you, and that’s okay. It’s best to find that out as soon as possible, though, so you can consider alternative career options. While this can be intimidating and even terrifying in some ways, it can also be liberating. Whether you elect to follow a creative dream or enter an industry you’ve always wanted to be a part of, you will find out that you’re happier, more engaged, and more excited about your future than ever. 

One Step at a Time 

You can’t expect to be promoted to your dream role overnight. Like anything in life that’s worth having, it takes determination, grit, and even a little risk taking in some cases. If you’re serious about taking on more responsibility and boosting your career, these tips will help you take it one step until you are finally satisfied.

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