Spirited Away to a New Realm of Beauty
Now, more than ever, makeup artists and beauty lovers alike are in places where they need to take inspiration from the comfort of their homes. One source of inspiration, streaming services, provides a platform in which artists of all kinds can take away ideas from a wide range of movies and tv shows. Dropped on Netflix and HBO Max in recent times, Studio Ghibli films have become the latest trend in creating beautiful looks that are both awe-inspiring and serve as a reminder of the times currently experienced. A world-renowned movie studio, Studio Ghibli has ultimately one goal: to dive into the human soul and to show audiences the intricacies transcribed through their imaginative stories.
Studio Ghibli was formed in the early 1980’s when Japanese animators Isao Takahata and Hayao Miyazaki decided to create a work that would serve as a film that not only contained animations, but also kept the narration quality. The term Ghibli was coined by Miyazaki, taking inspiration from the World War II aircraft Caproni Ca. 309 Ghibli and hot Sahara desert air, exemplified through the air blown about in the studio’s animations. Once they realized they could be successful, they set up a studio in Tokyo along with publishing company Tokuma Shoten’s help.
Dreamy, detailed worlds and heartwarming stories embody what makes Studio Ghibli the animation company it is today. Their films contain beautiful, colorful visuals that evoke a wide range of emotions and animations that relate to the human psyche. Some of the most famous Studio Ghibli films have inspired many, including the beauty realm, to show the chromatic, introspective world that the studio has created. Studio Ghibli’s "My Neighbor Totoro" provided the unofficial face of the company: Totoro, a tree spirit taking the form of a rabbit. In this film the spirit shows nature and humanity working together, a message that can be taken in real life and presented through art. "Only Yesterday", another well-known work of theirs, explains the life of a young Japanese woman as she comes across the countryside, visualized through idealistic landscapes and yellow flowers adorning the land. "Spirited Away", the Oscar winner and the most acclaimed of all the studio’s repertoire, provides astounding visuals as the main character travels through the spirit world and encounters many fantasies one can only dream of. No matter what the Studio Ghibli film may be, there won’t be trouble in finding one shot that can provide artistic awakening.
Another Studio Ghibli project is currently in the works and is set to be released in 2021. Based on Genzaburo Yoshino’s novel, How Do You Live? will be the next film that will add to the extraordinary range of films created by the company.
Photo Credits: Carla Lopez, Film School Rejects, Aysha Nicole.
Report: Charlene Piccio
At the rise of Covid-19 many of us first questioned the timeline of fashion week and would we see the regular calendar continue - the question weighed over many of us for months! It was refreshing to see design houses and designers across the globe take advantage of the uncertainty and plow into production mode - thus my interest in Jerri Reid New York - The Black Designer based in Brooklyn New York wow’d instagram with his latest collection paying homage to the Black Is King film which debuted earlier this year in July. I was taken aback at quick of a turn round the young designer produced and released his well crafted designs reflecting some of the films most memorable moments.