Return of the Tie Dye

DIY Bleach Tie Dye _ It's All Chic to Me _ Houston Fashion Blogger _ Style Blog - Melissa Adragna.png

During quarantine, most of us are stuck in our homes wondering what we can do to keep ourselves busy. Spending about 8 hours on TikTok is definitely one way to pass time, but many people have also been bringing out their creative sides. Painting, baking, home projects and having some fun with their wardrobe.

TikTok is famous for people creating fun dances, making viewers laugh, and also for spreading some fashion tips and tricks. There has been a recent trend that has surfaced with this latest social media platform. Tie dye tutorials have always been around, but it has become much more popular thanks to this app and more people giving it a try.

How to Make Your Own Tie Dye Sweats - Melissa Adragna.jpg

Did I mention how easy it is? All you need is any piece of clothing you are willing to spice up, rubber bands and of course, bleach. You can also buy liquid dye in various colors to create your own look. These tutorials are easy and fun and are always displayed with songs that are trending on the app. This helps lure viewers, likes and makes the whole experience fun for people to do.

If you're looking for more ways to be fun and creative, other than tie dye, TikTok is the best place to check out. One account called Style is one of the best sources to use for style and beauty. What is so neat about it is it shares average people like you and myself and their style tips, then tags and shares them on their page.

Overall, the tie dye fits have become very popular and it can be used as a fun way to keep busy or even just to spruce up old pieces of clothing you were thinking of getting rid of. You don't just have to bleach it, you can cut it and turn it into crop tops or incorporate cool designs. Have fun with it and make it your own!

Photo Credits: Pinterest

Report: Melissa Adragna


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