How To Make Money With A Small Email List

Everyone says that the money is in the list. What list are they talking about? Your email list of course. But a lot of people think that you need to have thousands of subscribers to actually make any money. This isn’t the case and today I’m going to show you a few ways to make money from a tiny email list.

 The following will show you how you can start to monetize your email list so you can start making money right away, even if you don’t have anything of your own to offer yet.

#1 Offer a Service

This is one of the easiest ways to start making money with your blog. By offering a sought-after service and promoting it to your list you could start making money right away. I offer consulting services like 1:1 strategy sessions and social media audits. These are so helpful to my audience and I love being able to work one on one with them. You can offer VA services, copywriting, coaching, freelance services, etc. Then promote them with a series of emails to your small list. 

#2 Promote Your Affiliates

Most people think that the only way you can promote affiliate links is by adding them to blog posts or promoting them on social media. While this is the most common way to make money with affiliates… you can also promote your affiliate links in emails. This is a great way to start making money with your email list. You could even create a free 5-day email course providing a ton of value and sharing the tools you use to run your business. Add your affiliate links in the emails and watch your income grow. This works amazingly well. Some people even create a whole launch campaign around their affiliate partners. I’m sure you’ve gotten emails from influencers promoting other peoples course launches or digital products in a series of emails. You’ll want to do this if it’s a time-sensitive offer.  In my email funnel series, I add in some of my affiliate links (where they’re relevant) to the products and services I use. Like I said earlier, you could create your own free 5-day email course (or free guide) and weave your affiliate links throughout.

#3 Sell a Live Workshop

Maybe you’re thinking about creating your first eBook or an online course. A live workshop is a great way to see if it will sell and make a few bucks at the same time. Figure out what your audience is struggling with and if you have a quick solution that can be solved with a 1-hour or 2-hour workshop. Then, promote it to your list before you even create it. If no one signs up, all you’ve lost is the time you spent writing a few promotional emails. But, if this is something that your small audience is looking for, you could easily make a few hundred dollars with a minimal amount of work.

#4 Set Up a Tripwire Offer

You’ve probably seen them at some point when you’ve signed up for someone’s freebie. After you sign up, you’re immediately taken to a page that gives you an offer for a special discount for a very limited time.  This is a great way to get paid to build your list. A tripwire is usually a very low-cost offer between $5 and $49 dollars. You could use an ebook you wrote, a training, swipe file, or even templates and offer them for a 50%-70% discount. This works really well and also helps you get more paying customers. Because, when someone purchases something from you once they’re way more likely to buy from you again than a subscriber that hasn’t. It’s also a great way to get your feet wet with selling.

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