Three Ways To Motivate and Inspire Your Team

When it comes to building a successful team, you’ll likely encounter many challenges.

For example, you may struggle to recruit top talent, especially if you work within a competitive industry. Alternatively, you may struggle to keep your team motivated, resulting in low efficiency and productivity. 
Studies have found that you may have a very good reason to be worrying about your team’s motivation and enthusiasm levels. In fact, a recent report unveiled that only 15% of the global workforce feel motivated at work.

It is unrealistic to expect your team to be motivated 24/7 - as it's unlikely that even you, as the business owner, have this mindset. However, persistently low motivation levels must be addressed, as they can negatively impact your business.

For example, unmotivated employees are less detail-orientated and passionate, which opens the door for more frequent mistakes. As such, now is the perfect time to find new ways to motivate your team!  

1. Hire a motivational speaker.

Sometimes, the easiest way to motivate your team is to give them a good pep talk. After all, this can be useful when it comes to reframing their mindsets, encouraging them to look at the situation in a new light. If they’re working on a tough project, this pep talk can give them the push they need to see it through to completion.

However, your team has likely heard all of your pep talks before! As a result, they may not be as effective as they once were. One way in which you can combat this is by hiring some Executive Speakers who can come along to your next meeting or training day and inspire your team! This will also give them the chance to learn from others about the power of perseverance and determination! 

2. Work to prevent burnout.

Burnout and exhaustion are the biggest motivation killers around. Therefore, you must work to prevent burnout within your business instead of viewing it as something inevitable. 

For example, you could reduce burnout by helping your employees perfect their work-life balance, ensuring they take plenty of breaks, encouraging teamwork, or even hiring new staff. All of the above are great ways to protect your team’s wellbeing, which means they’ll continue to be motivated and inspired at work, as opposed to feeling as though they’re struggling to stay afloat. 

3. Review your company culture.

Many business owners encourage competition among colleagues, especially if they work in industries where this behavior has become commonplace, such as the legal field. They believe that pitting employees against each other encourages every team member to work harder to come out on top.

While this may work in the short term, and there is such a thing as friendly competition, this will grind employee motivation to a halt over time. For example, it will weaken relationships between colleagues and could leave your team feeling like they are constantly on edge or at risk of falling behind. As such, they will no longer feel excited or enthusiastic about coming to work.
As such, now is the perfect time to challenge this culture within your company - ensuring that you are instead creating a collaborative working environment. In doing so, you’ll notice a marked increase in motivation! 


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