6 Tips For When You Work At A Desk All Day

Human beings need to move around to be healthy. That means that if our jobs have us sitting at a desk all day, this is unnatural and unhealthy, and we need to counter this. If we don’t, our jobs can make us very unwell, and some of the conditions that sitting all day can cause include obesity, type II diabetes, circulation problems, and heart disease. Therefore, it’s crucial that you include some movement in your day, no matter what your job might be. Read on to find out what you can do to look after your health when you sit at a desk.

Use A Standing Desk 

For those who find that they have to sit for hours at a time and don’t get much chance to move around, a standing desk could be the solution. Using a standing desk means that you can get up from your seated position and allow your circulation to improve. Many people claim that standing helps their concentration too, and it can aid in the reduction of joint pain, particularly in the back and shoulders. 


Don’t worry if the thought of standing up for eight or so hours doesn’t sound so great; it’s possible to get standing desk converters that allow your current sitting desk to become a standing one, and then, when you remove the converter, you can sit down again. In this way, you have the choice as to how long you stand and sit for. 


Hand Exercises 

Your hands are probably the last things you think about when you’re working at your desk, but they go through a lot. Whether you’re typing reports, filling in spreadsheets, designing websites, or anything else, your hands are the parts of your body doing the most work, and they might be moving for an hour or more at a time before you take a break. 


This is why it’s crucial to do hand exercises when you do take that break. Learning some stretches and special movements will ensure you don’t suffer from cramps or any pain, and you can therefore work much more productively. 


Air Quality 

The air quality of wherever you work is more important than you might think. It can affect your skin, your hair, your breathing, and your overall wellbeing if it’s not good enough. It might even make your office smell bad, especially if there are many people in there and they prepare food in the break room or, worse, at their desks. Although you can take measures to fix these issues, if you don’t fix the underlying cause, you’ll remain unhealthy. 


One thing you can do is make sure you go outside as much as possible. Take your breaks outside, for example, and go for a longer walk at lunchtime. Other ideas include opening a nearby window or using fans by your desk to keep the air moving. Do whatever you can to ensure your office is well ventilated, and you’ll feel a lot better when you do. 


Stretch Or Move At Your Desk

You need to take a short break more than once an hour. Stretch for 30 seconds. Do some quick jumping jacks, touch your toes, or even do sit ups. Not much is needed to get your heart rate up. Get an elliptical that fits under your desk to get your blood pumping while working on an easy project. Anything you can do to move while you're technically sitting still will help keep your body active and healthy. Don’t forget to practice good yogic breathing techniques at the same time. Not only will this make exercise easier, but it will also de-stress you if you’re having a tough day; it’s a useful skill to have. 


Try Walking Meetings

In most workplaces, meetings are an everyday occurrence. Instead of settling down for a lengthy meeting, offer a walking meeting for your group. While brainstorming ideas for your next project, take a walk around the workplace or perhaps the neighborhood. You might choose somewhere more picturesque like a local park or beauty spot. The great thing is you’ll all be getting exercise which increases blood flow to the brain and makes you more focused, so the meeting is likely to be a more successful one than if everyone was sitting in a room somewhere. 


Skip The Elevator

It's easy to get used to taking the elevator every day. If you use it too much, try taking the stairs more often instead. Also, try parking farther away from the entrance so you have to walk across the parking lot. Small choices can add up to make you move around more.


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