How to Increase Foot Traffic In Your Brick and Mortar Business

In the digital age, everyone is buying online and having goods delivered right to their front door. As a result, businesses now offer this online experience to shoppers, but not every business is solely online. Shopping in person is still a preferred method and a lot of businesses make a majority of their money from the brick and mortar store. Here is how to increase foot traffic so you can sell more goods in person.

Keep It Clean

When your store is in order and clean, people will want to stick around and enjoy the ambiance. This also goes for the exterior of your store. Making sure the sidewalk is clean, the windows are clean, and the exterior is free of the signs of wear and tear, you will grow your curb appeal. Hire companies that have several pressure washing methods to keep your windows sparkling so people will see into your store at all of your goods and keep your sidewalks free from gum and the effects of animals.

Keep It Up to Date

No one wants to go shopping in a store that is a season behind. If you are selling clothing or shoes you want to make sure that you have the latest styles in the window. That means having mannequins in the window that are new and not falling apart. This also means that when your new and in-season items from the window lure customers into the rest of your store, have more in-season items at the front and keep last season and the sales rack in the back. 

A wonderful window shows that your store has great promise and more people will want to enter and see what you’re all about. 

Hire the Right Staff

Your staff are the ambassadors to your brand. They are the frontline that will give your customers the experience of a lifetime. When you are in the hiring process and putting your staff together, hire people who are pleasant and can work well with the public. We have all had that experience when a staff member was rude to us as a customer. You are not going to want anyone to have that experience in your shop. 

Working with recruitment agencies that can pre-vet potential staff for you is a good way to go. The nicer your staff, the more people are going to want to come in, and that will create more traffic through your store. 

Offer In-Store Only Sales

Although you may offer all of your goods online, in order to get shoppers into your store, offer in-store only deals and sales. You will be amazed at what people will do for a bargain. Shoppers will make a day of it and come and visit your store to purchase something on a discount. While they are there they can see what else you are offering in person and that may make them repeat brick and mortar customers. 

The more people you can bring into your store the better. 


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