Saving Money On Office Management

Managing the office is a big part of running a functioning and productive business. After all, this is your central hub, where the deals are made and the operations truly begin, and it’s a tightly greased wheel that keeps the entire chain rolling over. 

And yet, managing the office can get very expensive because of how high up in the chain it is, and that might be causing you some concern right now. With the pandemic keeping most of us at home, or needing to work remotely, the office has probably sat empty for months by now. You’ve been spending to keep the lights on here and there, but you’re not sure how much longer you can budget this working setup for. 

That’s where these money saving tips can step in. You can do a lot to cut down on the expenses that one office block is costing you, as long as you know where to cut the fat and make a difference for the better. So without further ado, make sure you keep the pointers below in mind if office management has been a cause of stress for your finances lately.


Understand Your IT Needs

IT is very much the infrastructure your business is reliant on, thanks to just how many computers you’ll be using day in and day out. And because of this, you’re going to want to save as much money as possible on maintenance and repair, as well as downtime and protecting against outside intrusions. 

And that means understanding your IT needs from the offset. It can be done off of your own back, if you don’t feel like building a department or outsourcing, but it’s a good idea to have a helpdesk number on hand just in case. 

Switch to Renewable Energy

Renewable energy is not only a cheap way to approach keeping the lights and heating on in your office, but it also helps to lessen the carbon footprint of your company as a whole, which keeps both financial and ethical costs down in the long term as well. After all, you’ll have far less to offset at the end of the year, and you’ll be able to conduct a lot more business with a guilt-free working conscience. But what can you do? 

Well, you can visit a website such as to see just how easy it could be to get solar panels and batteries installed somewhere on your building premises. Either that or you could get in touch with an external renewable energy supplier. You’ll have access to exclusive deals, thanks to how much we want to lessen the impact of the working world’s operations on the world around us. 

Network For More Supplier Options

Working with a supplier for as long as possible is going to work out much better for you in terms of long term costs, simply because of the bulk savings you’ll be able to achieve when you build a relationship. You’ll be able to secure things like preferential treatment, as a VIP customer, as well as discounts on bulk orders and/or subscriptions. 

But what do you need to do, in order to network efficiently here? Communicate, show plenty of respect, and try to do as much for them as they do for you. For the latter alone, you can help to pass on their business name, and give them strong recommendations to other local companies around you. That’s one of the best ways to supplement the supplier/business relationship, and it’ll earn you a fast friend. 

Shop Second Hand for Office Furniture

Finally, make sure you’re not spending too much on those desks and wheely chairs either! Sure, they need to be clean, and preferably ergonomic (8 hours at a desk isn’t good for anyone!), but they shouldn’t cut too sharply into your budget. 

That means you need to shop second hand for them. This can be done by surfing thrift or charity stores, as well as local marketplaces, and even from dedicated second hand shops made to support businesses just like yours. 

Office management is something we can struggle with quite often, thanks to just how much the expenses you fork out for it can pile up. But with a bit of money savvy, you can cut down on those utility bills, shave off half the price tag on the furniture, and with a bit of careful negotiation, you might even get a worthy discount from the supplier!


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