Great Tools For SEO

You have a great website; it looks attractive, it has all the correct information on it, it’s user-friendly, but it still isn’t bringing in the visitors you had hoped it would. Why could this be? It might be something to do with your SEO (search engine optimization) strategy. There are several ways to boost your website further up the search engine rankings using SEO, and if you can utilize the right tools and do SEO successfully, then you will find that more and more visitors come to your site, increasing your reach and your chances of selling. 

 There are certain types of tools that are useful for SEO, and the following information should help you decide which one (or ones) is going to be best for you and your business. 

Keyword Analysis Tools 

Keywords are the backbone of any successful SEO campaign. Keywords are the search terms that people use on Google and other search engines to find whatever they are looking for. If you have some of the most popular keywords for your product or industry within your website, you are more likely to come up in that search. For example, if you’re a dentist, you’ll need to have words relevant to dentistry. The more keywords you have and the better placed they are, the higher your site will come in the rankings. 

 Tools that help you discover what the most popular keywords are and how to use them to your best advantage are essential for ensuring that you rank well and that your content is viewed by the people who will find it most useful. 

Rankings Tools 

It’s a good idea to know where your site ranks in Google so that you can keep track of which of your marketing campaigns works the best. That way, you can replicate that success and stop spending money where it is not doing any good. By understanding where you rank and the difference that each individual campaign makes to those rankings, you will have a much clearer idea of your success or otherwise when it comes to advertising and marketing. 


Content Effectiveness Tools 

Content is hugely important if you want your website to do well in search engine rankings. It’s not just about using keywords; the rest of the content needs to be engaging and informative too. It can be difficult to constantly come up with new and exciting ideas weekly (if not daily), but understanding your audience and the keywords that will help you rank better will enable you to create a strategic content plan in advance. 

 If you can create informative content for your site visitors that can be easily shared on social media and that ranks well in Google, you will have found a great winning formula. Using a content effectiveness tool will help you understand just how well your content will help you. 


Link Building Tools 

Link building is an easy and useful way to improve Google rankings, but only when done right. Linking to sites that don’t have anything to do with your content, for example, can actually ‘downgrade’ you in terms of search engine rankings. However, linking to authority sites using the same keywords and with relevant information that makes sense for your blog post can help immensely. So how can you stop falling into the trap of linking for the sake of linking and not helping your SEO even though that’s precisely what you had planned to do? Thankfully, some tools can give you the answers should you need them. 

 When it comes to links in your own site, they are just as crucial as those pointing away from it. If your internal links don’t work or they point to the wrong places, this can damage your SEO rankings despite everything else being accurate. This is wherea sitemap will be helpful – search engine crawlers can easily check through your site to ensure it is all accurate, and you will immediately see where links need to be amended or fixed.


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