Don't Fuel Your Customer's Security Paranoia

When you are running a business, it’s important to consider the mindset of your customers. A key element to think about here is if your customers feel as though they are protected when they buy from your business. Problems here can result in a low level of sales and unfortunately, customers are already paranoid about security threats. You need to guarantee that you’re not making things worse.


Don’t Leave Security Gaps 

First, you need to make sure that you are not leaving gaps in your security. The easiest way to avoid this mistake is to invest in the right level of training. You need to dodge trouble with human error. For instance, phishing scams will typically target the ignorance of your employees. 

Don’t Forget To Monitor

You might also want to think about monitoring your business the right way. Ideally, you should monitor your business on a 24/7 basis to guarantee that a security threat does not slip by undetected. You understandably won’t have time to provide this level of attention in your business. Instead, you should consider hiring an IT support solution. Managed IT services will provide 24/7 monitoring of your network and ensure that any breaches in security are handled without delay. This is more effective than simply trying to rely on the automated software that is available on the market. 

Don’t Leave Them Out Of The Loop

Next, you should make sure that you are not leaving customers out of the loop when dealing with security threats in your business. If there is a security breach in your company, you should let your team members know as quickly as possible and then alert your customers or clients. It’s important that you don’t leave them flying blind because if they find out about a security issue from someone else, then this is going to be far worse. Make sure that when you do contact your customers you let them know what has happened and more importantly, what you’re doing about it. 

Don’t Cut Corners 

Finally, you should think about avoiding cutting corners with security in your business. When you are running a business, it’s always important to think about ways that you can reduce the costs. If you fail to do this, then your business model is going to be more inefficient overall. However, security isn’t a suitable area to reduce your costs. If you do this, then it could leak to weak points in your business model. Instead, you should be focusing on what steps other businesses are taking and putting a larger focus on security to provide customers the peace of mind they need. 

We hope this helps you understand some of the key steps that you need to take to ensure that you aren’t either directly or indirectly fueling your customer’s security paranoia. It’s important that they feel as though they can trust your business. If there’s no trust in your brand, then they will likely search for a competitor that gives them the right reassurance that they crave.


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