How To Improve Your Focus & Be More Productive


Productivity is closely linked with your success. Generally speaking, the more productive you are, the more successful you will be. So, how do you improve your productivity, particularly if you're really bad at getting things done? Well, it's all about understanding why you're unproductive. The majority of the time, you can pin it on a lack of focus/concentration. You struggle to focus on certain tasks, meaning you can barely get any work done. 

Naturally, you can't go on living like this! Especially if you want to run a successful business or achieve your life's ambitions. With that in mind, let's go over some suggestions to help you focus and be more productive.

Fuel yourself

This might sound bizarre, but eating food can help you concentrate. You don't need a massive meal, but going to work with a hearty breakfast is far better than skipping this meal. Why? Because hungry people aren't as focused as satiated people. A lack of food means a lack of energy, meaning your body sends so many signals trying to get you to eat. This is very distracting; hence you find it hard to focus. 

Stimulate your brain

You can find lots of natural stimulants that will help sharpen your focus while you work. It goes without saying that we're talking about natural things here, not drugs/medication! Two ideas spring to mind; caffeine and CBD. You can see places the Kaya Hemp Company offer various CBD supplements you can take whenever you want. CBD helps to trigger parts of your brain that make you concentrate and stay focused. Caffeine works in a similar way but in small doses. Too much caffeine can make you too energetic, ruining your productivity. If you need an extra boost, consider these natural ways of stimulating your brain. 

Shut down social media

Social media is one of the biggest distractions in the modern era. If you work in social media, you can ignore this step. Instead, focus on other distractions that stop you from doing your job. For most of you, social media needs to be shut down when you're working. Log out of all your accounts to stop the temptation. All it takes is one look at Instagram to send you scrolling for half an hour. That's 30 minutes of your day thrown away for absolutely no reason! Stay focused; stay off social media. 

Set goals throughout the day

Goal setting is a genius way of forcing your mind to focus. Effectively, you set little goals to achieve throughout the day, rather than setting an overall goal for the week/month. You can still have these goals, but the smaller ones help you knuckle down and work hard. If you set yourself a task to complete within the hour, you can't afford to get distracted. It sets a target to aim for, which is one of the best mental tricks to turn your brain into productivity mode. 

Regain your focus and you will regain productivity. Now, you get more done, and the opportunities are limitless.

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