4 Steps To Modernize Your Recruitment


Changes in tech and the market are reflected in the world of recruitment. Perhaps your business has so far relied on traditional recruitment solutions, and now you’re wondering how you can step it up? To support you to modernize your recruitment, check out the following ideas and pointers.

1. Use Digital Hiring Platforms

Digital hiring platforms are fast becoming part of ‘the new normal’ within many industries. Using a digital hiring platform, you can automate tasks, analyze data and utilize chatbots. All of these steps will help you to improve the efficiency of your recruitment. You can track and interview your candidates using video chat, offer test projects, shortlist candidates, and provide them with feedback. There are many benefits of a digital hiring processes, including:

  • Convenience: With a digital hiring platform, you can conveniently interview and hire candidates from anywhere in the world.

  • Cost-effective: Both employers and candidates can make savings without the costs associated with travel, booking meeting rooms, and downtime expenses.

  • COVID Friendly: In 2020, businesses have had to adopt COVID friendly hiring and working solutions. Remote options continue to help employers and staff through this crisis.

  • Saves time: Recruitment can be a timely process, but you can save time and boost productivity with the latest tech solutions.

2. Industry-Specific Recruitment Agency

To modernize your recruitment process, it’s advisable to work with an industry-specific recruitment agency. Choosing a recruitment agency with knowledge and expertise in your field is the best way to find the right candidates. Companies such as DSC Personnel specialize in labor hire services. DSC are the perfect choice if you’re looking to fill construction, industrial, or logistics roles.

3. Artificial Intelligence 

Artificial intelligence can help businesses to streamline their hiring processes and eliminate tedious tasks. LinkedIn uses AI to offer candidate ranking scores. These scores are based on how suited that individual is to a particular job. AI can be used to vet candidate resumes at the initial stages, using keywords and phrases. 

Applicant tracking systems are the perfect example of AI in recruitment. An applicant tracking system is a software tool that is used to sort resumes. The ATS processes the applications before they are sent on to the hiring managers. These systems make the hiring process a whole lot easier because they filter out those candidates who are unsuitable for the role. Without the latest tech solutions you could be holding your business back.


4. Use Your Company Culture 

To attract the right talent, businesses need to show that they have a strong company culture. Throughout the hiring process, you should ensure that your advertisements and social media posts reflect your company culture. You can do this by incorporating your brand storytelling and your company values. Most importantly, candidates want to get an idea of your business persona, how do your staff and management interact, and what kind of atmosphere can be expected of your environment? A positive company culture is the best way to retain great staff.

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