How Much Time Does Running A Business Take?

Running a business is going to take up a lot of your time, there’s no doubt about that. A lot of twists and turns are involved in the modern working world, and even just overhauling a company to try and attract new investors and customers could take months of planning and months of effort to achieve! 

However, when it comes to dedicating as much time as possible towards your new company, or your new side hustle, how much time exactly are you going to need to focus properly? Well, it all depends on a few factors, so let’s go through those below. If you’re someone with an idea for a business, but a busy lifestyle to contend with already, it’s key to keep these in mind as you move forward.


Are You Alone in Business?

Being alone in managing your company could have an adverse effect on the amount of hours you need to dedicate to it. After all, you’re on your own, doing everything yourself, and there’s only 24 hours in the day! You might not have the resources to make the time go faster, or to fit more in, and that’s why it’s important to consider bringing in a team. 

Indeed, you could even outsource here; using a company that offers Managed IT Services could half your working load at the very least, especially if you’re an online only business. That could give you at least one more day per week that you’re able to take off from the business. 

How Much Money Have You Sunk into the Company?

The amount of money you spend on your company, even in the initial, early stages, is going to determine just how much time you’re going to need to spend on running it later on. After all, if you don’t have payroll, and you’ve not forked out for software and various salaries for people you’re planning to hire, once again, you’re going to be entirely alone behind the wheel. 

Similarly, you’re going to need savings at a time like this; at least 6 months of your regular income needs to be in the bank for you to live on as you get set up. If you don’t have that to depend on, you’re going to need to dedicate as much time as you can to try and make a profit out of your business as soon as possible. 

How Many Hours Do You Have to Spare?

And finally, are you going home at the end of the day with plenty of time for family and loved ones? If not, there’s a good chance your business is taking up a little too much time, and something has to change. Make sure you keep an eye on the clock when you’re at work, to determine how your work/life balance is tilting. 

Running a business takes time, and there’s no changing that. However, you can change the amount of time you’re putting behind the business with these factors.

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