Is It Expensive To Run An IT Department?

There are a lot of specialist departments your run of the mill business would benefit from, and an in-house IT department is one of the best. If you have your own IT support, that’s available whenever you need them to be, you’re going to be more productive than most other businesses on your street. And that concept is very shiny and attractive to a small business! 

However, there are a lot of costs associated with running your own IT department, and you need to think through them in depth before you set one up. And to help you out, here are the three main concerns you’ll need to think about.


You’ll Have to Account for Downtime

No department in your business is going to have a 100% productivity rate, and every single person or process of your company is going to suffer from downtime. But when it comes to running an IT department of your own, the downtime you could experience is going to be more expensive than any other. 

With average IT downtime working out as costing over $5000 per minute, and in total, an average of $300,000 per hour for both small and big enterprises alike. Of course, depending on how long your IT service is down for, and/or what you’re operating on, the cost can only go up.

You’ll Have to Sort Staffing Costs

Another big expense of running your own IT department is sorting staffing costs. Not only will you have to payroll anyone you hire here, but you’re also going to need to pay for their recruitment, their training, and any tools and resources needed to do the job. That includes forking out for tech upgrades as and when you’re made aware of them, as well as both software and hardware management. 

It’s why a lot of people choose to outsource their IT needs instead. Rather than pay for the full operation, a lot of companies aim to visit, as a site that offers IT services, because all they have to do is pay for the service itself. The costs here often work out a lot better, and that’s one of the number one drawbacks of setting up your own IT department. 

There’s a Chance Your IT Department Will Be Ineffective

There’s a big chance your IT department is going to be ineffective in servicing your IT needs. The better your support is, the faster your organization will run, and the more productive your employees will be, and for ineffective support, the reverse is also true. This is something you need to keep in mind above all else. You need to pick the right people for your team here, people with plenty of experience and past case studies, and also be ready to cut your losses at any point. 

It can be very expensive to run your own, in-house IT department. It’s why outsourcing in this area is so effective - make the right decision for your company. 

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