Zero Waste: Is it Possible to Live Without Producing Any Trash?

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American citizen, Bea Johnson, who came up with the philosophy of "Zero Waste," knows how to live without leaving garbage. Literally: in a few years, her family collected only a half-liter jar of waste that cannot yet be recycled, mainly clothing labels. An impressive result, given that the average inhabitant of the Earth leaves behind about 400 kg of junk per year. Johnson's secret is based on a formula of five R: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Rot, that is, failure, reduction, reuse, recycling, and composting.

The call to completely boycott products that pollute the environment by themselves or through packaging is no coincidence in the first place in the Zero Waste philosophy. A complete list of things that Zero Waste enthusiasts never use can be frightening, but the author of the concept claims that there is an alternative to all the benefits of civilization.

It’s not the first decade that ecologists have been begging people to stop rampant buying. Living ascetically is beneficial for health, for a wallet, and the environment. Bea Johnson calculated: with the transition to Zero Waste, her family spent 40% less.

The Johnson family practically does not leave any trash, because of numerous recycling programs and modern technologies that can “digest” junk.

To upshot everything said above, the average person can conclude that environmentally-friendly existence is very much possible. Moreover, such a lifestyle is favorable not only for the planet we live in but for our wallets.

Report: Olha Dzharyha




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