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7 Alternative Forms Of Stress Therapy Worth Trying

There are so many different forms of therapy out there that can help us to beat stress. If you’re looking for an alternative way to destress, why not try some of these therapy options. It could be a chance to turn destressing into a whole new fun experience.

There are so many different forms of therapy out there that can help us to beat stress. If you’re looking for an alternative way to destress, why not try some of these therapy options. It could be a chance to turn destressing into a whole new fun experience.

Reiki healing

Reiki healing is a popular Japanese form of energy healing that involves using gentle hand movements to guide the flow of healthy energy around the body. It is typically carried out by a qualified energy healer, either at a studio or at a client’s home. Many people find it to be very effective at relieving stress and anxiety. It’s different to regular massage therapy in that it has a spiritual focus.


Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medicine that involves inserting long thin needles into the skin. It is often used as a form of pain relief, however it can also be used to relieve stress by easing muscle tension. Acupuncture should always be carried out by a qualified professional in a studio.

Scream therapy

Sometimes known as ‘primal scream therapy’ or ‘primal therapy’, this form of therapy involves screaming your stress away. The psychological benefits of screaming have been studied and there is a lot of evidence to show that it can be an effective form of stress relief. Primal therapy classes and courses exist, which could be worth trying.

Laughing yoga

Laughing yoga is a form of yoga that combines laughter. The psychological benefits of laughter are undeniable and there have been many studies that show that laughter to be an effective stressbuster. When combined with yoga (which is also a proven stressbuster), it makes for a fun and effective form of stress relief. Search online for laughing yoga classes near you and try heading along to one to see what it’s like. 

Floatation therapy

Floatation therapy involves floating in a lightless, soundless floatation tank, which is filled with Epsom salt water. By cutting off one’s senses and providing a weightless environment, it can provide the ultimate space for meditating and relaxing. It can also be very effective at fighting chronic pain by allowing all muscles to relax. You can experience this form of therapy at a specialist floatation therapy spa - you can find these across the country.

Beer baths

A beer bath literally involves bathing in beer. This ancient Eastern European tradition has been found to be an effective way to relieve stress. On top of that, it has been found to have many benefits to the skin, by helping to cleanse the skin and remove toxins. There are a few spas around the world that allow you to bathe in beer - you can even drink a pint of beer while bathing.

Rage rooms

Looking for a way to vent your anger? Rage rooms are designed to do just that in a healthy way. You’re given protective equipment and a baseball bat and you basically get to smash objects up for 30 minutes. Objects include everything from old TVs to bottles.

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