Fashion, Lifestyle Access by NKC Fashion, Lifestyle Access by NKC

Fast Fashion: The Trend That Has Overtaken The Retail World

Fast Fashion Affects the Environment More Than You'd Think, So Here Are Some Tips For Making Your Clothes Last

Fast fashion is a term used to describe retailers who quickly produce inexpensive clothing to keep up with the runway’s latest trends. In theory, this process sounds flawless. You get to have the trendiest clothes as soon as styles come off the runway, without paying designer prices. Buying clothing from these stores is convenient, but it does come at a price. Fast fashion negatively impacts the environment in many ways, including carbon emissions, drying up water sources, and polluting rivers and streams. Also, according to business insider, “85% of all textiles go to the dump each year, and washing some types of clothes sends thousands of bits of plastic into the ocean.” Trends also change so quickly that consumers are buying more clothing than ever before, but only keeping the items for half as long. These kind of stores have taken over the fashion industry, making it almost impossible to buy affordable clothing from anywhere else.

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That being said, you can help make a difference by taking steps to make your clothing last longer. One step to keep your clothes in their best condition is to keep them away from dust, heat, moisture, and light. This means storing them in your closet, and not in an attic or basement. You can also prolong your clothing by maintaining your closet’s cleanliness and keeping it free of dust. Another helpful, and probably the hardest step to abide by is to hang your clothing up carefully after taking it off instead of just tossing it on the floor. The final step is to get a little more wear out of your clothing before tossing it in the washing machine, as they can be quite damaging to the textiles used in producing these clothes. Fast fashion is a trend that has overtaken the retail world, but taking these steps to lengthen the lifespan of your clothing can help make a difference.

Report: Libby Ayers

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